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I made her cum hard before emptying myself in her womb.

“Tonight I want you to stay close to my family.”

“But I have to stay close to Celine and her bridesmaids and stuff.”

“Did she put you in her wedding party?” I already knew the answer to that, the jealous bitch.

My baby girl hung her head in misery shaking it in the negative.

“Why not again? I can’t remember the reason she gave me.”

Yeah I did but I knew it was a bullshit lie, there’s no way my little girl told her she didn’t want to be in the wedding, and even if she had Celine would never have taken no for an answer.

“All the other girls are blonde….”

Yet another reason to hate that stupid cunt. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her tenderly.

“You don’t need to hang with them then, stick close to mom and dad and Drew and Paulina.”

“But why…?” She looked confused.

“Don’t question, just do, you drove your piece of shit truck here?”

“Uh huh.”

That shit burned me the fuck up, Celine drove a brand new BMW that I’m sure they could barely afford, while Delia was stuck with a piece of junkyard heap that nobody else wanted. I think her old man got it off some old geyser friend of his, the thing was a fucking dinosaur, I remember Celine laughing about it at the time. We’ll see who the fuck is laughing soon.

“Head back to the house I’ll be there soon.” I kissed my little girl gently to let her know we were good, sometimes she needed lots of reassuring, after tonight I’m hoping she outgrows that shit at least a little and grow a backbone in fact I’d see to it.

I had shit to do before I went back home, shit that was gonna make a lot of people unhappy.

Like I give a fuck.

Chapter 4


We’re here this is it, or just about I wasn’t sure I’d have the stomach for going through the pretense of this fiasco, no one else was in on my little event, I could’ve told my brother but in the beginning I didn’t want anyone else knowing how stupid I was, then later the anger took over and I had to do it myself, It’s mine to do, whatever came of it, I would take the back lash alone.

I searched the church for my girl to make sure she was where I told her to be, she was sitting between my mom and Paulina, Joann kept trying to get her attention, no doubt following Celine’s orders to keep my baby away from my family, I had no idea what that was about, and quite frankly didn’t care, probably just more of her jealousy bullshit.

We went through the whole shebang according to the wedding planners’ orchestration then it was time to head to the restaurant where we had a private room booked.

There were quite a few people there, extended family on my side friends on hers, I think only Delia and her patents were here from her family, stuck up bitch was ashamed of her poor relations.

I checked once again to make sure that Delia was where I needed her to be before heading for the table with Celine her parents, her best friend Maura and Maura’s husband Dylan along with some other people from the wedding party.

“Why is Delia over there? I told her to sit with us.” She was pouting already, shouldn’t she be more interested in where I sat?

“What, I’m not enough for you?” I turned on the charm, you leave her just where she is bitch.

“Of course you are sweetie, it’s just, she’s so awkward, I don’t want her making your family uncomfortable.”

“She seems fine to me.” I looked over to the table where my girl and Drew were laughing at something, probably one of his lame ass jokes.

“Why do you always side with her?”

“Do I? I hadn’t noticed.”

Her jealousy was coming through loud and clear.

“Yes you do and I wish you wouldn’t, she doesn’t deserve such loyalty, especially not from my husband, I hope you’re not planning to always be that way.” Here comes the pout, it use to be cute but had stopped being that a long time ago, about the time I started hating her fucking guts.

We made it through dinner barely, with her prattling on in my ears about what changes she was going to make to my house and what invitations we would be accepting in the future and some other drivel that I blocked out.

I didn’t eat anything and I nursed my one snifter of cognac, I needed a clear head for what was coming.

Dinner was over and it was time for the toasts, I had asked my dad and mom to let me give the first toast before they did the whole welcome to the family bullshit, not gonna happen.

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