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I tugged her head back and forth none too gently, it will be a while before I came again.

“Use your teeth the way I taught you.” She scraped them against the head and down again.

“Arghhhhhhh, yes baby girl.”

Maybe I was wrong, maybe it wouldn’t take so long after all.

“Look at me.”

She lifted her eyes to mine as I fucked her face, my dick in her throat.

She was hungry she loved the taste of me as much as I loved the taste of her.

“Get ready to swallow baby.” I pulled back just enough to tap her tongue with my cock before going deep again, my balls drew up tight and I shot off in her mouth.

When she was finished swallowing I kissed her roughly before taking her into the bathroom to soak.

“You did good baby.”

As usual I remembered to be tender with her afterwards, my baby needed all the love and attention she could get and I planned on seeing that she got it from now on.

Chapter 7


We’re going home today after a month on the island, I wish we could just stay here, but that’s wishful thinking we both have lives to get back to.

Chase is on a mission, I understand that his pride was hurt, but it made me feel……strange. The one time I told him that his need to hurt Celine made me feel like I was just a tool, was the first time I had truly felt like he had any real feelings for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew he liked my body and the things we did together, but even though he married me, and my little girl heart had wanted to believe it was true love, I never really knew for sure, until that day.

That day he had let me see a side of him that I think few people ever saw, it was raw emotion, so much, I will never again doubt his love for me.

It made it easier to face home again, if only I could talk him out of his need for revenge, not only against Celine but my parents for what he deems their mistreatment of me.

He just didn’t understand, my parents never wanted me, Celine was supposed to be it for them. I was a surprise, an unwanted one no less, and unfortunately they had no problem letting me know that from a very young age.

I’d adapted though, accepted my place in their lives for what it was, but they were the only family I had, I wasn’t physically abused, but I learned that whenever Celine was anywhere around I became persona non grata.

As a small child it was hard to understand, but eventually you catch on and you step aside, stay in the background.

You watch at Christmas when she gets a mountain of brightly wrapped gifts and you might be lucky enough to get maybe one or two with a new book or maybe if you’re lucky a new pair of school shoes.

All their love had already gone to their golden child there was none left for me, but like I said, I adapted.

Then Chase came along, and I think it was the first time since I was a very young child that I wanted something Celine had, I had long given up hope of ever gaining my parents’ love, but this golden haired man, with a smile that made me melt, and the kindness he showed when we first met, it was like watering a plant left too long without moisture.

I blossomed under his attention, but there was no way he would notice me in that way, at least that’s what I told myself.

I couldn’t help the looks that I threw his way whenever we were in the same room together, not that I had any intention on things going as far as they did, who would pass up a blonde beauty for a mousy nobody like me, which is the way my sister had always described me.

Chase made me feel beautiful, wanted, desired. It wasn’t all sex toys and bondage either, that was just his play time thing I called it; no it was more than that as I’d found out on the island when we were together, we were so happy.

I was gradually coming out of my shell, though the gifts were nice, I didn’t need them, only his arms around me when we slept, the way he put his hand in the small of my back when we were walking somewhere, the way he looked right at me when we were talking, his laughter when I did something silly, his care for me and his unborn child.

Now we were headed home and I was scared, scared that there would be trouble, I know my family, especially my sister, and what Chase had done to her she would never forgive, the fact that he married me……hah, she will make my life a living hell.

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