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When she was down, she leaned back against her haunches. “Now, what?”

“Sheath me.”

“Oh, umm, yeah, that, too.” She bent down to take a condom from his wallet – she had long known he kept several of them in stock at all times.

Her new position presented him this time with her cute little bum, and with a grin Dylan leaned forward to lick the tiny hole.

Bree almost tumbled out of the bed with a little shriek. “Don’t do that!” Condom in hand, Bree gave him a disapproving frown, which Dylan returned with just about the sexiest grin in the world.

Her heartbeat tripled its rate. “Unfair,” she mumbled to herself even as she tore the condom out of its packet. She hesitated.

“Go on,” he invited her huskily.

Trying to think past her still-speeding heartbeat, she reached for his engorged cock, the feel of it immense and powerful in her hands. She sheathed him carefully, wondering at the same time how it would feel to have him enter her without a condom.

“Soon,” Dylan said over her bent head, making Bree look up at him in surprise.

“I know what you’re thinking, babe, and the answer is soon.”



Did he know what she was starting to think because of what he said? She was starting to think about wedding bells and babies, that was what. Did he know that?

The possibility that Dylan knew the direction her thoughts was taking and was letting her think that way made her even more dazed with happiness.

When she was done sheathing him, she looked at Dylan questioningly again.

He smiled, answering simply, “Take me.”

She sputtered.

“You can do it,” he said calmly. “Just ride me as you would a stallion.”

Bree sputtered even more at that. “You’d really like to think of yourself as a stallion, don’t you?”

“As I’m as well-hung as any of them are, I do not see anything wrong with it.”

The words had her wet, enough to almost send her into a climax. That arrogance of his was yet another one of her weaknesses, and Bree had a feeling she’d always be vulnerable to it.

“I’m waiting, babe.” Dylan had barely finished speaking when Bree was straddling him, her hand on his shoulder as she slowly impaled herself on his cock.

“Yes.” He spoke between clenched teeth. It was so fucking good he nearly tore free from his bindings in his need to hold her to him, but Dylan managed to keep himself under control. He wanted her to hunger for his domination, wanted her to feel how it would be if she did not have him commanding her in bed.

“Ooooooooh...” The feel of him inside her was so different now, so much more consuming and raw it made Bree wonder how she would possibly survive more of this on a regular basis. It would kill her, it really would!

She started to ride him, at first clumsily but eagerly and then later on more knowledgeably. Dylan did his best to guide her as he lifted his hips to meet her downward thrusts. Soon, she was clutching his shoulders tightly, buckling against him with total abandon, head tossed back in pleasure, her hair flying free behind her.

“DYLAN!” She screamed his name. So close, so close, she thought with a whimper. But she couldn’t have could she have it?

“What is it, babe?” he asked teasingly in a slightly hoarse voice, knowing what she needed but wanting to hear it.

She colored. “Dylan...”

“Come on, babe.”

“I want you! I want you to take me,” she sobbed out. “I want you to take control of me—-” She ended with a shriek as he tore free from his bindings. In the next moment, she was on her back, her legs in the air, and his cock sliding inside her like it was home again.

“DYLAN!” She screamed as he started thrusting into her, harder, more passionately and wildly. It was so hard to breathe now, with so much pleasure to contend with, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was the pleasure that only Dylan could give her...but wasn’t.

She looked at him with frustrated desire. Why wasn’t he giving it to her? Why?

“Dylan, please,” she begged, pounding his back. “I need...”

“Who do you need?” he demanded.


“And who do you want?”

“Always, always you,” she cried out, wrapping her thighs around his waist, wanting Dylan to drive his cock into her so deeply he would reach her womb.

The words sent tremors through Dylan’s large and powerful body. It tempted him to push them both over the edge, but he reined in his desire, knowing it was not yet the right time.

Cupping her face to keep it from moving, Dylan demanded, “Who do you love?”

Her eyes became wet with tears of love and frustration. “You. I’ve loved you for so long that now that you’re here, I...”

He didn’t let her finish. He simply fucked her hard and long like they both wanted, fucked her until she was incoherent and unable to bind them even more tightly to each other with her sweet, incredible words.

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