Page 80 of Rural Romance

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“Well, hello there.” A smile spreads across his face.

“Are you here for the party?” I ask when he doesn't say more.

“I can be.” He takes a step closer. “You have beautiful hair. Has anyone ever told you that?”

He reaches his hand out about to touch me. Before I can smack his hand away, Luca’s own hand wraps around the young man’s wrist. I swear he can pop out of anywhere if there is a man too close to me. It’s a bit freaky and adorable too.

“You don’t see the ring on her fucking finger?” He throws the man back with such force he stumbles backward. “You don’t reach out and touch a woman. Drop the extra chairs off your truck and get the fuck out of here.”

Luca doesn’t give him a chance to respond. He slams the door shut.

“Hi,” I chirp, giving him a giant smile. He narrows his eyes on me. That’s all it takes, and my body starts to heat. My Luca can be a very jealous man.

If you would have told me years ago that would be something I loved about a man, I would have laughed my ass off. It’s not that way with my husband. I shamelessly get off on it. Sometimes I might even lure his jealousy out.

“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes. You little ass is supposed to be out back getting pampered.”

“Are you saying I don’t look all done?” I take a step back.

“I didn’t say that,” he growls, grabbing me around the waist. “I’ll show you how fucking sexy I think you are.” I don't get a chance to respond. Luca goes full possessive caveman on me, which I knew was coming.

I let out a small scream as he throws me over his shoulder, carrying me up the stairs and into our bedroom. He tosses me down on the bed.

“If you want to wear that dress today, you better get it off or it’s going to be a cleaning rag.”

“You wouldn’t.” I sit up on my elbows, not giving a crap about the dress. I have a dozen others. I pretend to be annoyed and make no movement to take the dress off.

“I would.” He pounces. In one hard pull he’s ripping the dress easily. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll need another spa appointment.”

“Promises, promises,” I say, knowing he loves a challenge.

“You know not to toy with me,” he warns, his breathing growing heavy. I love how after all these years and three kids we still can’t keep our hands off each other.

My Luca is relentless in the things he wants in life. I have no doubt he’ll live up to this one and all the others.

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Rural Romance

Shelly loves making art and creating tattoos, but sometimes it can be a lonely life in the big city. When her online best friend makes an offer she can’t refuse, she’s packing a bag for the country.

Westley can’t think of anyone he cares for more than Shelly, so to celebrate their gallery show, he invites her to Pink Springs. But one look at the dark-haired bombshell and suddenly he’s wanting to be more than friends.

Warning: Can you really fall in love over emails? You betcha! Watch Wess get his HEA with the one he least expects.

Chapter One

Rural Romance

By Alexa Riley

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Chapter 1 Wess

There are pluses and minuses to living in a small town like Pink Springs. For example, the big news this week was the opening of a pizza place downtown. I’m not sure if that’s a minus because there’s only one pizza place in town, or if it’s a blessing that the opening of it was the big news all week. It’s slower here, and everyone knows all your business, but it’s safe and peaceful too. Like I said, pluses and minuses.

I moved here a couple of years ago to take care of my grandmother, Ophelia. It was only supposed to be temporary, but as soon as I got here and saw all the work that needed to be done on her place, and her declining health, I knew this was going to turn into a long-term situation. So I sold my house in the city and took up residence with her. I ended up buying the historic house next door and fixing that up so it was handicap accessible for her. After that, I fixed up her little house and made it into a rental property.

My grandmother is able to get around the house now and work in the garden as she pleases, but my house now is much safer for her. I think she also likes spying on the people that come in and out of the rental property. Whatever it takes to keep her busy and gossiping.

One thing about small-town living is that dating in town is dangerous. I’ve had a few casual hook-ups and some that didn’t end so well. A lot of women here date for marriage, and that just isn’t on my radar. Ever. My dad ran around on my mom, and my mom did the same to him. Neither of them was faithful during their short-lived marriage, and for years they made each other pay for it. No thank you.
