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His voice sounded like there was more to it than that, and she felt that knowing tickle up her spine, her Spidey sense, as Harrison called it, but there was no time. A flash of light drew her gaze toward a shiny silver Porsche parked, illegally, in a handicapped parking spot.

The sound of crunching metal made her jaw drop, she watched as the hood of the Porsche peeled away like a sardine can, pulling some of the concrete away with it

to reveal a smoky glass door…complete with a large, bald bouncer.

“Well, that’s not something you see everyday.”

“Hey there, Jake. Long time no see.” Tyghe walked up to shake the behemoth’s hand, the two chatting like old friends.

Callie looked at Harrison. “I think we can guess how many of these he’s been to.”

“That reminds me,” Harrison bit her lip as she walked beside Callie. “Magians are a bit…freer with their bodies than the average human. Even those who aren’t necessarily compatible have a tendency to go a little wild at Triune I’m told. Hell, some young trios who are already matched still show up to enjoy the party. Think of every bachelorette party you’ve been to and multiply it times four.”

Tyghe, hearing the last of his sister’s comment, smiled wickedly. “We’re a sensual species. Anyway, how can we know if we compliment each other without sampling?”

Callie was suddenly glad the Abbott brothers would be sticking close tonight. She didn’t want to find out how a lusty Magian reacted to rejection.

Tucker cupped her shoulders and leaned to speak into her ear. “No one touches you but us, Callie. I promise you.”

How could one sentence be reassuring, erotic and frightening at the same time? But she was grateful he’d said it. She didn’t want either of them touched or sampled either. The mere idea made her blood boil. What was wrong with her? “Thanks.”

Jake the magical bouncer smiled at Callie and Harrison shyly, an odd expression on an otherwise intimidating face. “Three eligible Abbotts in one Triune? And this must be the distant cousin Charity’s been gossiping about to everyone within earshot. They’ll be talking about this night for years to come. It’s an honor.” He bowed gallantly, opening a door that had appeared out of nowhere.

Tyghe moved to his sister’s side in front of her, and Tucker followed close behind Callie, sandwiching her between them as they went inside. Callie knew they were already protecting her, and she had to admit, though she could take care of herself, she liked the feeling. She could get used to it. That was a dangerous thought. The closer they got to the point of no return, the more Callie wondered about her future with the Abbott family. Would she still be welcome once this was over? Now that everything had changed?

Tucker slid the warm jacket from her shoulders and handed it to the girl at the coat check counter. Callie could hear the pounding modern beat of the music, and heard the hum of more voices than she’d been expecting. How big was this place?

She got her answer when they left the main entrance and headed into the sea of bodies. It was huge. Like a massive warehouse-cum-dance club. People upstairs leaned over the railing to study the moving bodies on the main dance floor below. A deejay rocked above the crowd beneath the colored lights. Was his equipment…floating?

Tucker placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her toward the long, bustling bar and her lashes fluttered. She would never get used to the shock of magic she felt whenever Tyghe or Tucker touched her. The thrill of energy that aroused her instantly, made her want to attack them. She wondered how Magians got anything done, if this was what it felt like to touch each other. Or perhaps, it was just her own emotions, her own desires for the two men making her react so intensely.

“Callie.” She turned at the muffled shriek, smiling when she saw the young woman from the salon, Veronica, waving at her and beaming as though they were old friends. “I’ve been waiting for you to show up. Isn’t this great? I’ve never seen so many Magians in one place in my life.”

Callie smiled at her excitement, secretly agreeing. It was an impressive turnout. The way some of them were dressed, she knew they weren’t from Boston. Doorways must be appearing in parking garages around the world for this event.

She chuckled and gave the girl a friendly squeeze. “You look wonderful, Ronnie. Have you met Harrison’s oldest brother, Tucker?”

Veronica blushed. “Actually, he’s how I got away from my mother. She insisted on coming, and she hasn’t let me out of her sight once.” Her smile turned mischievous. “Until I mentioned that the Abbott men had arrived and she all but pushed me out of my chair and across the floor.”

Tucker winced politely and lifted her hand to his lips. “How can I pass up the opportunity to save a lovely young lady from her mother’s disapproval?” Veronica’s face went from pink to beet red in a heartbeat. Tucker smiled. “She doesn’t have to stay you know.”

Callie watched the girl’s eyes widen. “What do you mean?”

“He means that by Magian law, it is permissible during Triune for you to request the absence of your parent’s presence. Makes sense to me. How can you enjoy yourself and find a compatible, um, match, beneath Mama’s hawk-eyed gaze?”

Tyghe’s charming laugh made Callie smile, as did the look of revelation on Veronica’s face. “She’ll have to go?”

Tyghe slid his hand along Callie’s ass, making her jump. Tucker’s fingers twitched on her back, letting her know he knew what his brother had done. If he felt the same kind of electricity she did whenever the two of them touched her, she wasn’t surprised. It was impossible to miss.

His answer to Veronica was clipped. “Yes. It’s the law. You can tell her I said so if you’re nervous about her reaction.”

“Are you kidding?” Veronica twirled, clapping her hands in almost childlike delight. “I’ve had my eye on this sexy Australian for hours. He’s a grower, just like me. Now I can finally approach him. After I tell Mom not to wait up.” She hugged Callie again. “You’re always lucky to run into. Enjoy your evening. I know I will.” With a wink and a giggle, she was gone.

“Our good deed for the night. Now we can be bad.” Tyghe’s whispered words in her ear warmed her blood.

Tucker pulled Callie close against his side, his narrowed gaze on his brother. “Harrison?”

“Safely making the rounds with our old friend Conway.” Tyghe glanced at Callie and explained, “Conway is a powerful Magian, and a true Abbott cousin. She is as safe as if she were with one of us. Safer, since Conway’s magic is shielding. The throng will only be able to come so close to baby sister without being pressed back by Con’s energy.”

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