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It feels too good to be wrong, her little voice crooned. For once she had to agree. Her forehead ground into the floor when his fingers slipped inside her sex once more, matching the rhythm of his debauched and dangerous tongue.

Oh God, she was going to come again. She could feel it, feel her muscles tightening, the blood in her veins pulsing with it. So close. So close.

He reared up and gripped her hips in his hands. “Not yet. Not without me, kitten.”

Margo cried out at the feel of his thick cock entering her sex. He was big. Too big. Even with all his foreplay the stretch still bordered on painful.

He seemed to sense her hesitation. “You can take me, Margo. You were made for this. Made for me. Let me in.”

She arched her neck as he rocked himself against her, filling her inch by thick, unyielding inch.

“Fuck, Margo. Do you know what you do to me? You make me greedy. I want everything. Your soaking pussy around me, your sexy ass, your mouth. I want all of you.”

He bowed his body over her back, pulling her long hair to the side to take her ear between his teeth. The position pushed him further inside her, their breaths both labored as they struggled to register the sensations. The heat of him burned her skin, so hot she was surprised she didn’t hear the sizzle, see the steam.

She shifted her hips experimentally, and he stopped her with an inhaled hiss. “I’m trying to hold back, baby. My species, when they lose control… I don’t want to scare you.”

The gruff vulnerability made her melt. Suddenly, being in control sounded overrated. She didn’t want control. She wanted him. “You can’t scare me, Tomcat. I want it. Want everything.”

He opened his mouth over her shoulder and growled. A deep, warning growl that sounded ominous. Sexy. She could feel his teeth pinching her skin, but he didn’t bite her, didn’t pierce the skin.

She lowered herself onto her elbows, the action tilting her hips higher against him. Completely vulnerable, completely open, offering herself. His growling became a groan of desire, and he lifted himself off her back, one hand still gripping her hair. “Damn, kitten, you’re playing with fire.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but her thoughts dissolved with his first deep thrust. All she could do was feel. Raw need. Pure, carnal pleasure. He demanded her submission, and she gave it willingly, eagerly.

She could feel the hard ground scraping her knees as his unrelenting rhythm pushed her forward, the powerful slap of his hips against hers, but even that increased her arousal. Yes, harder. Yes, faster.


His name from her lips only drove him wilder. He lifted her hips high, until her knees were off the ground, pulling her back hard against his body. Again and again he filled her, the angle sending waves of ecstasy through her limbs. It crashed against her with more and more force, until she couldn’t hold back, until she had to give in to the power of it.

“Mine!” His shout blasted through the air, so loud she could hear it through the blood pounding a mad drumbeat in her ears.

She felt her eyes go wide, startled out of her own pleasure when his erection grew bigger inside her. “What’s happening?”

“Tell me you’re mine.” His voice was an unrecognizable growl behind her. His cock pulsed, the head so thick she wasn’t sure he would be able to pull out. “Tell me now, Margo.”

She couldn’t stop shivering, every move he made sending sparks of pleasure up her spine. “Yes, yes. Anything.”


Another, smaller explosion rocked her as he came inside her. She collapsed on the ground, her body feeling like quivering Jell-O as he continued to pump inside her for long, delicious minutes. He was caressing the sides of her breasts, her back, the curves of her ass, as though he couldn’t stop touching her. She could feel the fine tremor in his hands, and she smiled, loving that he’d been as affected as she was. Loving that he’d lost control.

Lost control. She stiffened. Responsible Margo immediately began making lists of everything she’d just done wrong. Precautions not taken. Indiscretions not thought out. Contracts. Oh, God. This wasn’t her. What had she done?

Thomas sighed behind her, rolling away from her body, but not without leaving a tender kiss on her hip. “I don’t need to be telepathic to catch those thoughts. That’s okay, sweet Margo. You know how I love a challenge.”

Chapter Six

Had it only been five days? She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, studying the sexy woman that challenged her in the reflection. She did feel sexy. Sexier than the old Margo, despite all her bravado, had ever felt. She knew it was because of him. Thomas.

He’d barely left her side since that night in the pantry. He’d carried her to her room in his arms, moving with a speed that should have shocked her to avoid the cameras, and proceeded to make love to her with a reserve of energy that astounded her. His constant state of arousal wasn’t human. At least, it was like no non-medicated human man she’d ever known.

She’d woken the next afternoon with a cry on her lips and his head between her thighs. Finally convincing him she needed food, he went to his room to change, and she went in search of the others.

It broke her heart to see her friend, Julie, standing at the open front door with her luggage beside her. “No. What happened?”

Julie had smiled sadly, shrugging. “It’s what might happen. I have to leave, Kitty—I mean, Margo. I’m not sure why I entered in the first place. I prefer my paranormal heroes on paper. The real thing is, well it’s too much for me.”

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