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A new generation of Finns. All these babies were blessings, and he was happy for every one of them, but occasionally it made him feel old and tired.

Sex is making you old and tired. Marathon sessions of amazing, hot, dirty, epic sex.

That too.

“Oi, anyone home?”

Solomon scowled as the Irishman opened the back door without knocking and stomped into view.

Wyatt got to his feet. “What are you doing here, Billy?”

He sent Wyatt a warning look before walking around him. “You don’t get to call me that, fireplug. And I’m here to offer my apologies and services.”

Solomon took in the state of William’s battered face. In one of his regular fights, he rarely let anyone get far enough to do that much damage. “What the hell happened to you now?”

“Steal another car?” Wyatt interjected with a smirk.

“Spot of trouble with a group that didn’t take kindly to losing a bet.” He winced and placed his hand on his side gingerly. “They also weren’t aware that you shouldn’t bring knives to a fistfight.”

His irritation replaced with worry, Solomon stepped closer. “Someone stabbed you? Do you know him or could you identify him if we brought you to the station?”

William was genuinely amused. “You can take the cop out of the job, yeah? But no, it’s been sorted.” He waved that problem away with his hand, ending the discussion. “And before you ask, I was already stitched up nice and tight by a Nightingale of the Florence variety. As soon as I’m fully mended, I plan on thanking her properly. Until then, I thought we walking injured could help each other out.”

“I don’t need any help.”

William studied the bright streaks of paint on his sweatshirt. “That’s not what I’ve heard, cuz. I heard you’ve been about putting your house in order for your man. Building bookshelves, buying cushions, painting walls. I can help with that.”

He was intrigued. “What would you want in return?”

“Call off the dogs.”

He’d asked with the same genial smile, but there was a warning in his words.

“What dogs, William?”

“That green-eyed hellhound that’s been following me around. Our talk after he pulled me over was good fun, but I think I’ve paid for borrowing big brother’s wheels, and I’d like to enjoy my last few months of freedom in peace.”

“James? Why would James be following you?”

“That’s what I’ve asked myself the half dozen times I’ve seen him entering my favorite establishment. Spoiling the view, as it were. And I’m not the only one that knows he’s a cop. He shouldn’t be there in the first place.”

Solomon glanced at Wyatt, who was shaking his head. Neither of them had any idea what James was up to. “I swear, I don’t know anything about it, but I’ll talk to him. There’s no reason for him to be tailing you.”

William smiled in relief, patting Solomon’s shoulder. “That’s good then. I don’t think the locals like him much, from what I saw, so you’d be doing us both a favor. What are we painting?”

“The kitchen,” he said before he could think to stop himself. “But you don’t have to help me with that. It’s almost done.”

“Never turn down an extra pair of hands. Not when you only have one at the moment. And not when you have someone you want to spend all your free time with.”

Solomon flushed. “You don’t know anything about it.”

“I know more than I’d like to. You’re all the family’s been jabbering about for weeks.” He jerked his thumb toward Wyatt. “You already know who you can thank for that.”

“I told you it was an accident,” Wyatt said, irritation evident in his voice as he glared at William. “I was with Fiona when Hugo’s brother called her. Then Rory called me and… Look, things got out of hand.”

“Where I’m from, that kind of slack jaw could lose you a hand.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake, Lucky Charms. Quit acting like your quaint little Irish village is run by Don Corleone, or that going back is a sleeping-with-the-fishes type of death sentence.”

“Want to switch places?” William asked, a clear threat in his tone.

“Break it up, guys.” Solomon forced himself not to laugh, but it wasn’t easy. “Wyatt, William is a Finn, and you need to start remembering that. William, Wyatt is a fireman, and they’re notoriously bad at keeping their lips zipped and their hoses under control.”

Wyatt swore and rolled his eyes. “Seamus was naked with a stranger,” Wyatt defended himself hotly. “And you were basically on a date and meeting Hugo’s parents. Both times had extenuating circumstances and neither were life or death. I know how to keep a damn secret.”

“I believe you.” Solomon patted his back. “Seriously, no hard feelings. I already told you that at the inquisition.”

The morning he’d left the hotel and gone back to Seamus and Bellamy’s house, his brothers were waiting for him in the living room. All of them. They knew all about his dinner with the Waynes, and that he’d been out of pocket for the last few days.

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