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“Oh God.” Solomon threw his head back and came with a roar, as if he’d been waiting for permission to let go.

Hugo’s knees wanted to give out when muscles clenched like a vise around his dick, hips pumping helplessly as his release took him over.

It felt like a lightning strike. Bright flashes behind his eyes, electricity arcing through his veins and up his spine. He collapsed against Solomon, weak and wrecked and barely hanging on.

It was the best sex of his life.

Their fingers twined together, wet and sticky and real in a way Hugo had never experienced before. He was aware of each sensation, how intimate it felt, despite the fact that they’d just had a hard, dirty fuck against a hotel desk instead of on a bed. Despite all Hugo’s grand plans to take what he wanted without caring or getting involved.

He could try to contain the damage, but now he knew it could never be just sex with Solomon. It complicated his plans, and maybe it was a mistake, but he would make it again as soon as he caught his breath.

He’d worry about his heart tomorrow.

Chapter Six

“Is there a reason you’re laughing like a lunatic? Did I break you? Please tell me I didn’t break you, because I’m not done playing yet.”

Still chuckling, Solomon nudged Hugo’s shoulder with his foot, laying his head back down on the muscular thigh he was using as a pillow.

Not that he had anything against the hotel pillows, but they were currently outside on the balcony because they’d forgotten to take them back inside.

“I’m no medical expert, but I think it’s called endorphins. Or you’re right and the excessive pushing of my On button has actually broken me the same way we broke this room.”

The bed was destroyed after the last three times they’d come together. There were several trays of half-eaten food scattered around the room and he had no idea what time it was.

Dark. It was dark o’clock and he’d been fucked into a laughing, exhausted pile of bones.

They’d been at it for hours. He wasn’t sure how he wasn’t broken at this point, considering his age and his aching arm. His ass was sore inside and out—he’d bet there would still be handprints on it for days. And at least one visible bite.

Hugo really had a thing for his ass.

Solomon wasn’t complaining. He felt better than he had in years. Tired and aching, but more clear-headed and centered. Maybe it was the endorphins, but he thought it had more to do with being exactly where he belonged. With Hugo.

This was what it was supposed to be like. Having sex with someone you cared about, someone you trusted, made all the difference. He finally understood that glow he’d seen on Brady’s face, the satisfaction on Owen’s. If he looked in the mirror right now, he knew he’d be wearing the same expression.

Before, he’d thought of it more as addressing a physical need. A basic haircut with a happy ending. An oil change with a money shot. It wasn’t sexy, but it wasn’t meant to be, because for him, without the emotion it was all mechanics.

With Hugo, there was no comparison. Solomon was different with him. Demanding, pleading, playful. He didn’t have to be in charge. He didn’t need to be responsible or careful or circumspect. He gave himself completely, trusting Hugo to give him what he needed.

There was nothing casual about it.

The idea of sex with anyone but the man lounging in bed beside him was unacceptable now. And if he was honest, it had been for a long time.

He might wish they’d done it sooner, but thinking about that led to remembering why they hadn’t, and all the time they’d spent apart because he’d been a stubborn jackass.

Hugo massaged his calf absently. “Well I am a medical expert and I say people shouldn’t cry or laugh hysterically after coming. It’s too easily misconstrued as commentary on their partner’s sexual prowess.”

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about on that score, Nurse Wayne. And I think you heard my commentary every time. All of it was good.”

“I know. But thank you for confirming the rumors. Same to you.”

“Cocky.” Solomon chuckled softly. “And if it really bugs you, I’ll do my best to hold in my humor from now on.”

“You know I wasn’t serious. Laughing Younger is nice to see.”

“Can I ask you something?”

Hugo tensed beside him. “Only if it’s not about why I left the department.”

“Oh. Okay then.” He nodded against his thigh, trying not to take it personally. He knew why they were here, and he wasn’t going to do anything to spoil the time he’d been given. Pushing for confidences he wasn’t ready to give or rushing him wouldn’t help his cause.

“Why did you resign?”

He froze. “Is this a quid pro quo situation? I share if you share?”

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