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“Yes.” Solomon ate at his mouth and stroked their cocks faster, his grip firm enough to make Hugo gasp.

The snug heat surrounding his fingers was going to burn him alive. He brushed against Solomon’s prostate, smiling when he rocked greedily against his hand in response.

He wanted him now, but he had to wait. He needed privacy before he finally took what he wanted. “Come with me,” he said urgently, rubbing himself against Solomon’s slick erection. “I want to feel you come with my fingers in your ass. Want to know how tightly you’ll be squeezing my dick tomorrow.”

They came together, moaning into each other’s mouths, both of them too primed by their separation and Hugo’s filthy promises to make it last.

Their combined release covered his stomach and cock, the cold air making him shudder as much as his orgasm.

He’d told himself he’d come outside to talk but as soon as he’d gotten Solomon alone he’d practically fucked him against the wall. Right outside his parent’s house for anyone to see. Hell, Emerson lived in the garage apartment at the moment. If he’d come out…

He was thirty-eight going on sixteen when it came to Solomon Finn. He was the only man to bring out this kind of sexual aggression, to make him feel so vulnerable.

He’d have to be careful not to let his guard down any more than he already had.

He released him, stepping back to button up his jeans while his body was still shivering with aftershocks. “Tell me what time you’ll be ready tomorrow.”

Solomon adjusted his clothing, his expression still vaguely stunned. “Are you asking for a date?”

Be strong. “Not a date. That’s a rule too. We’re going to keep it casual. Great sex, but that’s it. No pretense that this is anything else.”

Solomon was so still he wasn’t sure he was breathing. Was he saying this wrong?

“I’m not…” Hugo sighed and started again. “Last time things were difficult because they were unclear. I’ve already told you I can’t do that again. This is what I can do. What I want to do with you. But you have to be okay with it.”

“Yeah.” His voice had a rawness to it that hadn’t been there before. He cleared his throat. “It’s not as if I—It’s fine. We’ll stick with your rules.”

“I have the next few days off. If you have something scheduled—”

“I’m free whenever you are,” he interrupted, making a face at the eagerness he’d revealed. “It can’t be my place for a few days though. Plumbers.”

Shit, he’d completely forgot about his accident. His cast. “Did you drive here?”

“Called a car just to be safe.” He smiled wryly. “Seamus offered to drive me but there’s only so much humiliation a man can take in one sitting.”

“That’s where you got the shirt, isn’t it?”

Solomon tugged at his tie. “That obvious?”

“Only to me.” He moved in for a soft kiss. “It looks good. And your hair…”

“What about it?”

“Don’t cut it.”

Solomon chuckled. “Another rule?”

“Hell yes.” He looked around. “I’ve had a few too many birthday toasts, but Emerson can drive you back. To Seamus and Bellamy’s house?”

“Yeah. It’s a big place, so he won’t be able to miss it. We marry into money you know.”

Hugo snorted, glad he hadn’t taken what Boone said to heart. “That leaves me out then. You know I live in the Wayne-plex for budget purposes, right?”

“I knew you lived in a duplex.”

“Bronte, Austen, Thoreau and I all went in on it years ago. We lived there together. We’re a close family, in case you missed it at dinner. But Noah and Wyatt have been roommates since the cradle, so you know how it is.”

“Not anymore,” Solomon said. “But they were for years. I always wondered why you never invited me over.”

“We didn’t have that kind of relationship.”

“That’s right. You’re right.”

It was true, so why did he feel like he’d hurt him?

“Let’s get you that ride and I’ll call you tomorrow before I pick you up.”

Austen joined him on the porch as he watched the taillights disappear around the corner, taking Solomon away.

“Hey little brother. You missed one.” He felt her place a box in his hand and he looked down at the carefully wrapped package. “There’s no tag, but Mama said it was in the bag with the wine.”

Solomon. He held it so tight his knuckles ached. “I’ll open it later.”

“What were you doing out here for so long? You didn’t scare him away, did you?”

“I didn’t scare him away.” He scared himself, but not enough to cancel tomorrow. He wasn’t sure anything, even common sense, could stop him from going through with that.

“Then open it.”

He knew she wouldn’t let it go so he obeyed, frowning in confusion when he saw a small spiral notebook decorated with a sloppy H done in glitter on the front.

“There’s a post-it on the back,” Austen said.

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