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Maybe he was already back at his hotel. Or he’d headed straight to the airport, longing for his exciting life in New York and telling himself no piece of ass was worth this kind of headache.

Seamus checked his phone, but when he saw no new messages he threw off his blanket and sat up, suddenly and irrationally angry. He deserved a hell of a lot more than that after trusting him enough to let him into his home with his children. If he couldn’t handle the pressure, that was fine. If he’d had enough of the sex that was still blowing Seamus away every night? The sex that kept getting better every damn time? Great. But the man should have had the guts to tell him.

He quietly made his way downstairs, scowling when he saw the rumpled sheets on the pull-out couch bed. It was empty. He padded softly to the kitchen, looking out into the backyard, seeing nothing. He was ten seconds away from throwing something against the wall when he heard noises coming from the basement.

Locking the door behind him, he walked down the basement stairs and felt some of his anger dissipate. He was still here. Not in bed where he belonged, but he hadn’t left the house.

Why the hell hadn’t he left yet?

He seemed just as angry as Seamus was, only he’d found the makeshift gym and was taking it out on the punching bag. He must have been at it for a while. He was in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else, his dark golden skin glowing with sweat.

“Bellamy? What are you doing down here?”

Why aren’t you in my bed?

He didn’t even slow down. “What does it look like, Seamus?” He punched the bag so hard the stand it was dangling from shook. “I’m wondering why I’m turning my life backwards and inside out for a man with no balls.”

“Excuse me?”

He hugged the bag and finally met his gaze, green eyes blazing. “You heard me. I’ve been here a few weeks now and you’re still treating me like a dirty secret. You turned down the Finn Again, and I know it was because you didn’t want more questions.”

“We were busy.” Liar.

“We’re always busy. Since the kids got back it’s been like a colorful circus. Preparing for the new puppy and the new school year, shopping and singing and wearing tiaras, and that’s fine. I’ve had a great time and I have no problem with any of it. What I don’t like is you introducing me as your friend to your parents and children. So I can live with you and eat with you, spend every day beside you—but my pillow is on the couch every night and I have to keep my distance during the day. Not touching you when I want to. Not kissing you when I want to. Watching you tense and jump away whenever you forget yourself for a second. Like we’re doing something we should be ashamed of.” He stalked toward Seamus, frustration transforming his expression. “How long do you think it can last?”

Seamus felt like a knife was twisting in his gut. Bellamy was right. He’d always known this wasn’t going to work. “I understand.”

Bellamy frowned before shaking his head and dropping it momentarily into his hands. “God, no, that isn’t what I meant and you really don’t have a clue how to be in a relationship, do you?” He blew out a rough breath. “I mean the secrecy. Your siblings and cousins know about me and they talk all the time, so keeping them from coming over and refusing invitations is pointless. And forcing them to keep quiet with your parents is unnecessary. How long are you going to ignore your their calls and avoid touching me in front of your children? I don’t want to be the guy sneaking into your bedroom for the next thirty years, Seamus. If we’re giving this a shot, you should give it a fucking shot.”

The next thirty years?

“I will.” He stepped back and crossed his arms over his bare chest. “When the time is right, I will. You said it yourself, the kids are nervous about school starting and excited about their dog. And I can’t tell them we’re dating without answering a million questions that you and I don’t have the answers to yet. I don’t want to confuse them.” Or pressure you into making promises you can’t keep.

“You tell them the truth about everyone else. In fact, you’ve been great with them from what I can see. Your sister is living with two men who take turns fucking her and each other, and while they don’t get the details, the kids understand they’re all in love. They even call them Uncle Declan and Uncle Trick. Rory—”

“It’s different. I’m their father.”

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