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Falconry? Damn it, Ken. “Thank you.”

Patty nodded, backing out of the room. “I’ll leave you to get some rest now, but if you need anything, just pick up the phone beside your bed and we’ll get it sorted.”

Finally alone with his thoughts, he prowled the room, restless and agitated. An image of the man—Demir—had been instantly burned into his mind’s eye. After all this time, his body came out of hibernation for someone like that? Someone who looked like he was used to getting his way—not because of his money, though everything about him, including his presence here, said he had more than he’d ever need. It was the knowledge in his expression more than his damn silk pajamas.

The way he held himself with a confident, almost predatory stillness.

The hungry expression he hadn’t even tried to hide.

And his body. Powerful was the word that came to mind when Seamus thought of his shoulders and broad chest. Powerful and masculine. His strong jaw was covered in dark scruff and his nose had obviously been broken at least once. His full sensual lips and long, thick lashes softened his hard angles.

But it was his eyes that had truly riveted Seamus. They were a piercing green so vibrant he could see them from across the room. Oddly, they made Seamus think of that picture of a bamboo forest the kids’ dentist had hung on the waiting room wall, which he could never stop staring at. He’d thought then the picture had been manipulated, that a green like that couldn’t exist in nature, but obviously he’d thought wrong. And those eyes were made more striking by his dark brown skin and the thick waves of silky, sable hair that framed his face.

Demir had seemed to know exactly how Seamus was reacting. He was no doubt used to it, and no doubt aware that when he walked around a hotel in his pajamas, he looked like a man on his way to or from his personal harem. He could be a poster child for excess. Or an underwear model. Or the hero on one of those romance books in the grocery store, where a sheik was holding a willowy blonde in his arms as if he owned her.

All equally irritating and disturbing mental images that Seamus didn’t need to be thinking about right now. Or ever.

Jesus, the way he’d smiled at Seamus, as if he knew him, as if he wanted to use that tongue on his body instead of his spoon…

“Fuck.” Seamus looked around at the expensive furniture and swore again, leaning against the wall and unzipping his jeans.

He sighed in relief when his heavy length dropped eagerly into his shaking hand. He’d tried to will the need away, but the temptation was too strong, and for once there was no one down the hall who needed a glass of water or another bedtime story. He didn’t have to wait until midnight to sneak into his shower and find a little release.

And he needed some release.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this turned on thinking about a man. About anyone. Despite the occasional fantasy—and one visit to a gay porn website that had made him so paranoid about his teenage son finding it that he’d almost thrown away his computer—Seamus had no idea what being with a man would be like. Only that there was a part of him that had always wanted to find out.

Demir wouldn’t be the type to let him use his inexperience as an excuse. He would be rough. Demanding. Impatient to see how far Seamus would let him go. How far he could make him go.

And God that thought turned him on more than it should have.

Seamus shuttled his hand over his erection and gritted his teeth, hating the man for making him feel this again. The confusion and desire. The lack of control.

In his fantasy, his anger didn’t stop Demir from pushing him to his knees and making him swallow his cock. He’d wondered how it would taste since Toby had cornered him in his truck and said goodbye in a way that made Seamus come harder than he’d known was possible at the time. The way he’d been moaning as he’d swallowed every drop, Toby must have loved it.

He swore and muttered under his breath as dueling images fought for dominance in his mind. Toby’s blond head bobbing frantically in his lap, lips wet and greedy on his cock, and the man from the lobby ordering Seamus to take more, to take all of him.

Demir won.

Seamus let his fantasy take over, the handsome forbidden stranger doing things to him, with him, that made Seamus cry out fall to his knees, his fist tight and brutal on his hard shaft.

He needed more.

He clumsily pushed down his jeans, licked his finger and slid it behind him, bending his body forward as he pressed his fingertip forcefully into his ass.

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