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Seamus nodded and watched Thoreau head toward the back door, whistling.

“Oh and Fiona was getting here early too,” he called out as he turned the knob. “Sent me a text right before she got in her car.”

“Shit.” Seamus walked around Bellamy and started cleaning the evidence of their frenzied reunion off the bar without saying a word.

“He’s funny,” Bellamy said behind him, his tone casual. “And hot. The report on him didn’t mention that, though I don’t think you’re the kind of guy to lust after a twenty-two-year-old. Does his brother look anything like him?”

“Fishing?” Seamus glanced over his shoulder in time to see Bellamy’s frown. “The Waynes are family friends, so leave them alone. And for God’s sake, don’t buy them a business or anything.” Though Gillian had kept saying she’d never been happier.

Bellamy slipped his hands into his pockets and hunched his shoulders. “I don’t buy things to win affection, Seamus. I hope you know that. I have more money than anyone could ever spend, and if I can’t use it to bring myself or other people joy, it feels like a waste to me.”

“Just try to tone it down, okay?” He was still reeling from his recent orgasm and Thoreau Wayne’s assumption that he was gay. He was, but he hadn’t told anyone. He didn’t think it showed.

He sensed Bellamy moving closer and shook his head. It was impossible to be in the same room with him and not feel the tension and heat between them. He would have to keep a tight rein on that in public.

“What’s next?” Bellamy asked. “If you give me a chance to earn it, that is.”

“The kids are gone for the week.” Seamus finished straightening up and turned to face him. “You didn’t happen to rig a church raffle, did you?”

Bellamy smiled with kiss-swollen lips and shook his head. “You mean the cruise? I’m not that good. And I don’t think Father Drew can be bought.”

He knew about Father Drew? His people were skilled at their jobs.

Seamus sighed. “I guess I could take off tonight and we could go to my place and have dinner. Talk.”

Bellamy wrapped his strong arms around him and gave him a smile that made him shiver. “And I was thinking I could take you back to my hotel suite and pamper you with massages, room service and dirty sex on a balcony overlooking the city. No talking required.”

It sounded good, but Seamus shook his head. “My rules this time. We’re going to sit on my beat-up couch and eat something I cook on my grill. If you want to spend time with me, we’ll have to stick to my reality for now. I need that from you.” He licked his lower lip, imagining Bellamy in his bed. He’d never shared it with anyone before. “And then we’ll see where we go from there.”

Brilliant green eyes took on a predatory gleam. “Done. I’ll grab a few things from the hotel and meet you there within the hour. As long as you know I’m expecting to pay for my meal with sexual favors, it’s a date.”

A date. The impossible man he’d spent half his trip to Ireland being seduced by was coming to his house. It felt surreal. So fucking strange.

And right.

It felt right.

He hoped a taste of ordinary Seamus didn’t scare him away. He had a lot of lonely nights to make up for, and only a week before the kids came back.

Chapter Eleven

They’d been trickling into the bar all night. Seamus wasn’t sure if they thought they were being subtle, but it was entertaining to watch.

First Jen with Trick, then Rory and Noah. Wyatt came with Stephen and Tasha, and seemed to have the hardest time avoiding the bar. Seamus had a feeling that had to do with Fiona as much as his guilt for spreading gossip about his love life.

Three days. That’s how long he and Bellamy had had together before reality came busting through his door in the form of his cousin Wyatt. He hadn’t called first, but to be fair Seamus rarely did anything that would require privacy, and most of his family members had a key to the house in case one of his kids had an emergency.

He’d wanted to borrow some tools from his garage—apparently his new place had shower issues—but what he’d found instead was Seamus snuggled on the couch with Bellamy, an episode of Sherlock playing in the background.

Bellamy had wanted to understand this particular addiction. He’d never been still long enough to get caught up in a television series. Seamus had admitted he had a thing for accents, especially Bellamy’s, and Bellamy had obliged him by whispering dirty, erotic things in his ear, and soon they were both naked and moaning as the sociopathic detective went to his mind palace. Seamus had never been so turned on…or so embarrassed to be caught.

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