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Page 18 of Down Under With Dad's Best Friend

“Do you have insurance?”

“Yeah, of course. Why?”

“Because squatters may get in there with it being empty.”

“I never thought about that.”

Changing the subject, I say, “What you shared with me tonight will never go any further. I know what it cost you to tell me, probably more than most.”

“I’ll meet you here tomorrow at six and we can scope the club.” Before I can reply, she’s out of the truck and rounding her car.

A second later, her headlights beam across the lot, and she punches on the gas.

I sit for a few minutes, trying to wrap my head around everything that happened tonight. I glance back, seeing where the bottle of Jack landed, and switch into the driver’s seat.

Minutes later, I’m back at her grandparents’, parking a few houses away. Grabbing the bottle of Jack, I keep to the shadows and jog to the house, pouring the liquor along the porch and up the front wall. Taking out my lighter, I spark the flame holding it against the wall, watching as the house ignites, burning into the night with an orange glow. It sharply gains momentum, the wood creaking and moaning as it turns black.

“Burn in hell, you motherfuckers.”

Soon, their priest will join them.



Walking back into the clubhouse, Rage sniffs my food out like a dog. “You better have something for everyone.” He bounds toward me, snatching the fast-food bag from my hands. Opening it up, he looks inside and beams. “This is why you’re my favorite.”

“I thought it was because I gave you an alibi when you crashed Jameson’s bike?”

“That too,” he grunts.

A grin spreads up my face as my brother marches up behind him.

“I fucking knew it was you.” Jameson snatches the bag from him and helps himself to a burger.

“Fuck.” Rage points a finger at me. “Trouble—that’s what you are, Lilith.”

“You owe me three grand,” Jameson informs him.

“Yeah, yeah.” Rage narrows his eyes at me and stalks off, taking my food with him.

Lines crease Jameson’s forehead.

“You okay?” I ask.

“We just got a call. Your grandparents’ place…there’s been a fire.”

“What?” I bristle. Goosebumps sprinkle over my skin. I was just there.


Jameson’s warm hand comes down on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, kid. I told you not to leave it sitting empty.”

“How bad was the fire?” I cross my arms, not knowing how I feel. Or why I didn’t do it years ago.

“They’re still there now. It’s just happened. You want me to take you?”

“No.” I shake my head. “There’s no point. I’ll go over tomorrow.”

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