Page 28 of Her Beast

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“I just walked in on Micah trying to rape Hope.” He tilted his head to the side and let that piece of information sink in. “Believe me, Dwayne, she wasn’t begging for it. She was screaming for help.”

Dwayne went pale, all blood draining from his face. “Is she … is … she okay?”

“I’ll deal with her, just like I deal with everything else.” He glanced around the pool. The use of drugs and sex was obvious. “You know I saved you from my brother all those years ago because I found you with bruises. He wasn’t doing anything differently to how we were raised. A boy that can take a few slaps can also punch, and from there, you begin to grow a monster. My brother was using our father’s methods. We’d all agreed it wouldn’t be the same for our children, but seeing how you abuse my trust, I know I was wrong. I’m not going to start beating you, but the playtime you had, the complete freedom to do what you want, ends tonight. This was your last party. Putting my woman at risk is the final straw. If you even think to put the blame of this on her, you’ll deal with me. Do you understand?” he asked.


“Good.” He turned on his heel, about to make his way inside.

“Is Micah still alive?”

“For now. He won’t be around for much longer, but not because I put a bullet in his brain. He’s going away, and last time I checked he was eighteen. Let’s see how he likes being someone’s bitch for a change.” He was going to make sure that little shit went to prison, and got a taste of what he did to others.

When he got back inside the house, Micah was sitting in a chair with his father and a local police officer in the room.

By the time he finished explaining the situation, Micah was being led in handcuffs and a deal was struck with his father. Plain and simple. Micah’s father was a businessman, and Beast knew how to make shit happen. He wanted Micah in prison, and he did a deal with the father to make sure that happened. If it was anyone else, he’d have killed the little shit, but he didn’t want Hope to feel any of that guilt.

Moving into his office, he poured two glasses of scotch, handing one to Caleb, who took it without a word. They stood in the office watching as Dwayne cleaned away the mess. It was the least he could do.

Beast had to go up to see Hope, but he couldn’t see her until he had a drink. Taking another large swig, he watched his nephew.

“We could send him away until your temper is back in check.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my temper, brother. He needs to learn to be responsible, and having parties where he can’t protect others, that’s something he’s going to learn.” He finished off his whiskey. “I want you to start tomorrow morning, training him. We’ll hone his skills, and teach him what he’s missing.”

He walked toward the office door. “Hope, she’s different for you, isn’t she?”

Glancing back toward Caleb, he stared at his younger brother, not saying anything.

“You’re different around her. You’ve not gone to see Sarah, and I know there’s no other woman in your life.”

Again, he just stared at Caleb, waiting for his brother to finish what was being said.

“Do you love her?”

“My feelings for Hope are not your concern.”

“They are, Beast. You and I both know they are because I’m part of this family, just like you. I know what you want, and I know what you’re capable of. I’ll protect her at all costs, you know that. You’re my brother.”

“You tried to warn her away.”

“For her own good. Do you really think that anything good could come from her being with you, being here?”

He gritted his teeth. His mother had lived a life that he wouldn’t allow a dog to have. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give Hope up. Every night that he watched her sleep he was convinced that it would be the last. Only, the morning would come, and she’d smile at him, and he’d find himself lost once more.

“I’m going to go see her.”

This time he did leave, and made his way toward his room. There was no sign of her in his room or his bathroom, so he went to hers where he found her in the bath. Bubbles covered most of her body, and she looked tired. The moment he entered the room, she looked up at him.

“I wasn’t asking for it. I didn’t beg or anything.”

“I know you didn’t.” He removed his clothes and joined her in the bath, pulling her into his arms. At first, she tensed up and wouldn’t allow him to hold her. Beast didn’t give up. He pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “You don’t have to think about him anymore.”

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