Page 31 of Her Men

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“You’d have loved it here, Maggie.”

She took a deep breath.

Drake and James had to deal with some last-minute work thing, so she’d left the villa to enjoy the warm air.

They’d been in Italy for six days so far.

Six days of pure peace and tranquility.

Tilting her head back, she opened her eyes and stared up at the stars. They were glowing in the night sky, and she was so happy.

She didn’t even think that was possible.

“I figured I’d find you out here,” Drake said. He didn’t move to sit beside her but took a position behind her. His arms banded around her waist, holding her close.

“Hey,” she said. “You found me.”

“I knew where you were this entire time. I’ll never lose you.”

She closed her eyes, resting her head against his. “I could get used to this.”

“Then do. I know I can.”

Drake cupped her cheek and tilted her head back. She smiled up at him, and when he lowered his head to kiss her, she didn’t pull away. Kissing Drake felt as natural to her as kissing James. They were both the same. The past couple of weeks had been a blur of unmistakable pleasure. She slept between both men.

There was something going on between them though. She noticed the way they watched each other. When they didn’t think she was looking, she saw the touches. The looks, the way they clearly wanted each other.

Neither of them let it slip, and she had to wonder if there was more to their relationship than she knew.

“Drake?” she asked.

“What, babe?” he asked, stroking her neck.

“Why do you and James share?”

“Because we like it. We enjoy it.”

She smiled. She enjoyed being the filling to their sandwich.

“Is there something more going on between the two of you?”

Out of the two men, it felt safer to ask Drake. James still unnerved her a little. The memory of his glare and words he’d spoken on the wedding were still fresh in her mind. The moment she was near him though and saw his smile, and his kindness, she forgot about it. Right now, as she thought about Drake and James together, she didn’t want to upset the happiness they’d found together.

“Why do you ask?”

“I’ve seen the way you two are with each other.” She tilted her head back, looking at Drake. “Tell me, please.”

“There’s nothing you need to know.”

And there he went evading again. She wasn’t going to hurt him or James. She got to her feet, pulling out of his arms. “I’m just going to go for a walk.”

“Abby,” Drake said.

“It’s fine. Honestly, I’m just going to walk.”

“You don’t know your way around here. I’d feel much happier if you came inside.” He held her arm, and she wasn’t willing to fight him. Walking off wasn’t in her style anyway.

“Fine. Fine.”

Even though she didn’t want to head back into the villa, she followed Drake back inside. James was pouring them all a large glass of wine.

“Work go okay?” Abby asked.

“It went fabulous. My company will be acquiring the key to the beauty section of the market. So long as we keep the integrity of the company, all will be well. This is a new venture and an expansion of our ever-growing empire.”

His happiness made her smile, and she accepted her glass of wine and shared in the toast.

Taking a sip of the liquid, she tried not to wrinkle her nose. Alcohol never set well with her.

“Ask him,” Drake said.

She turned her head to see Drake staring at her. “What?”

“Ask him.”

“Ask me what?” James asked.

“It’s nothing.”

“Don’t be afraid,” Drake said. “I’m right here.” He moved to stand behind her, clearly attempting to offer her support, but right now, she didn’t want it.

“I asked Drake if there’s anything going on between the two of you. He said no, so it doesn’t matter.”

“She doesn’t believe me.”

Not a chance. She’d watched James many times, and she recognized his now guarded look. She took a sip of the wine and wrinkled her nose, the taste still not appealing to her in the slightest.

Silence fell on the three of them, and she hated that.

Hated that she’d been the one to cause this when they’d found something together. She didn’t exactly know what that something was, but she knew it was there.

James didn’t say anything, but as he caught Drake’s hand, she watched him pull the other man toward him.

In the next second, she witnessed a kiss that would stay with her forever. James captured Drake’s mouth with his own and her own opened as she watched them. Tongues stroked together and teeth clashed. It was a hungry kiss.

A kiss they’d been denying themselves for so long.

Both of them were strong men, and she watched as they touched each other, their hands roaming.

When they broke apart both men turned toward her.

“That is the real reason your parents blackmailed me,” James said.

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