Page 23 of Her Men

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“What about everything else?” Drake asked.

“Forget about that. I’ll deal with that. Tomorrow, I want you with us, every second.”

“You’re going to move too fast.”

“No. I can see what Abby is like. She’s attracted to you. We can make this work.”

Drake rested his head against James’s.

James breathed in his lover. He was spent for the night, but all it would take was one touch, one look and he’d be ready to have him.

“I hope you’re right and you don’t fuck this up,” Drake said. “I think there’s more to Abby than meets the eye.”

“We’ll see. I better go up.”

James turned away and walked toward the door.

“Oh, James,” Drake said, making him stop. “You got her pussy. I’ll be the one to take her ass.”

“It’s going to be so hot seeing the two of you together.”

He left the laundry room, making his way back to his bedroom where he’d left Abby.

She was still sleeping, but she’d turned to her side, showing off her curvy ass.

His cock awakened at the sight. He wouldn’t take her ass. That would be for Drake to enjoy, but when he did, James was going to be there to watch.

You want her.

Climbing into bed, he snuggled up against her back. When he wrapped his arm around her waist, she let out a little whimper and he held her a little tighter.

“I’ve got you.”

She woke up, and he saw her start for a second before she realized it was him. “James.” She sighed. Her head rested on his chest. “I missed you.”

“You didn’t even know I was gone.”

“I did. It got cold.” Her hand came up to trace over his chest. “Can we do this all the time?” she asked. “As friends.”

“You want to be friends with benefits?”

She giggled, and it sounded sleepy. “We’re married. We can enjoy it. You’re going to have to use a condom though. Or I can see a doctor of your choice. It wasn’t my decision to take it away. I hate my parents. They are so mean.” She was going back to sleep.

“Why are they so mean?” he asked.

He tried not to tense up at her choice of words. She was clearly not thinking, and he didn’t want to alert her to what she was saying.

“They take everything away. They don’t care. Had to marry you but I didn’t want to. They told me they’d take it all away like they did with her.”

She wasn’t making any sense.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “What would they take away?”

It was so faint he wasn’t sure he heard it right, but it left a chill down his spine.


Chapter Eight

Abby opened her eyes and groaned. Her body was achingly sore, but it wasn’t a bad soreness. Stretching out her arms, she reached out, but James was not in bed. Sitting up, she held the sheet to her chest and glanced around.

She was still in his room, and her body confirmed she’d not imagined what happened. She’d had sex last night.

Their marriage was now consummated.

Not because of my parents either.

Running fingers through her hair, she pulled the sheet from her body and stood. There was some pain but manageable. She walked into the bathroom, went to the toilet, washed her hands, and brushed her teeth. Her hair was all over the place.

When James had taken her a second time, his fingers were in her hair, holding her in place as he took her. She’d loved every single second of his possession. Both times.

Studying her reflection, she didn’t look much different.

She was naked and her nipples were still red from his touches last night and her body had some bruising. Her pussy felt raw.

Touching her lips, she saw they were a little swollen from his rough kisses. Still, a smile touched her lips because she was happy, deliriously so.

She’d been with James last night, and it had been wonderful.

Leaving the bathroom, she came to a stop when she caught sight of James entering the room.

“You’re awake,” he said.

“You didn’t leave?”


“I, erm, I thought you’d left.”

“Ah, I see. I went to get you some breakfast. I figured I’d give you a chance to … heal and then we can have more fun. Until then, I have breakfast waiting for you.”

“Drake made it?”

“Yes, he did. He was already up and making some food. Bacon and eggs. Some toast as well. He cut up some fresh fruit too. Get back into bed.”

“I need a shirt.”

“I’m quite happy to watch you topless.”

She shook her head.

He sighed. “We’re going to have to work on this.” He got her a shirt, holding it up for her. She went to take it from him, but he snatched it back with a chuckle.

When he did it again, she went to grab it, but she ended up crashing into his body instead.

“Now that is so much better.”

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