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Katie recalled the resigned-looking dog that seemed to be a permanent fixture in front of the diner. “Sure, we can get Barnyard a burger, too. Doesn’t he have an owner?”

“Not really,” Errol said. “Everybody in town gives him food. He’s like me. When you take me home, do you want to see my model airplane collection again?”

“Yeah, okay,” Katie replied, feeling a little saddened by Errol’s casual reference to being similar to a dog.

She dared to look over her shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief. Sherona had stepped away from Rill and he was standing up from the chair, brushing clippings off his broad shoulders. He strode toward the counter and sat down next to Errol. His actions surprised her, given his newly ingrained habit of avoid versus approach when it came to her.

Katie resented Sherona for making his dark, glossy hair look so combed and tame. She also envied her for the chance to furrow her fingers through it without restriction.

Exactly how many times a week, Katie wondered, did Sherona Legion furl her fingers through Rill’s hair while the last thing on her mind was a haircut?

“Have you guys been to the hospital?” Rill asked Errol, cutting through Katie’s bitter thoughts.

Errol nodded. “Dave is my physical therapist.”

“How’d it go?”

“Dave said I was as strong as a horse. My knee hurts bad.” Errol held up the plane and showed it to Rill, who inspected it soberly before he nodded.

Katie grimaced. “It does, Errol? You didn’t say it hurt before.”

Errol shrugged and swished his hand, making the model plane zip through the air.

“We need to get you home and get your foot elevated.” She glanced at Rill and noticed he studied her. For some reason, his shorter hair made his eyes look even more electric blue than they usually did.

“Errol’s physical therapy couldn’t have lasted all day. Where else have you been?”

She bristled at his tone. What right did he have to know her schedule when he had barely spoken a word to her in a week plus and didn’t even want her in Vulture’s Canyon?

“I drove over to Carbondale this morning and found a health food store so I could stock up the pantry.” She paused when Sherona approached behind the counter, tying an apron around her voluptuous figure.

“You didn’t have to drive to Carbondale to find a health food store, Katie. Vulture’s Canyon has the co-op that provides all the goods for that store. Didn’t anyone tell you?” Sherona asked when she noticed Katie’s bemused expression. “We have a small farm and a co-op run by most of the residents in Vulture’s Canyon. We grow everything from vegetables to nearly every grain under the sun. Errol can show you on the way home. It’s not far from his house, down by the river. Now, what can I get you two?”

“A hamburger and French fries,” Errol replied without looking up from his airplane.

“I’ll have the same. Along with a large chocolate shake and a slice of cherry pie. Make it to go, will you? What’s wrong with you?” she asked Rill when she noticed he shook his head and laughed.

“Health food?” Rill asked derisively, referring to what she’d said earlier. “Since when does Katie Hughes eat health food?”

“Ever since I came here. We have to do something about your health. I saw what you were surviving on before I came here. You’re malnourished. I’ve been working on getting you healthy again. Don’t tell me you haven’t appreciated it,” she warned with an anxious sideways glance. “I’ve noticed you’ve been eating the meals I’ve made you, even if you haven’t eaten them in my presence.”

“I didn’t say I don’t appreciate it.” He seemed undecided, but then continued gruffly. “

I do. I appreciate what you’ve done to the house, too. It looks great. I . . . I haven’t had a chance to tell you.”

Katie stared at him, openmouthed. Where had this come from? She didn’t get a chance to find out, because the bells over the entrance rang loudly and what looked like half of the population of Vulture’s Canyon entered—Katie counted five of them in all. Among the new arrivals was the disapproving, gray-haired Monty holding the hand of none other than Olive Fanatoon.

Olive grinned from ear to ear when she saw Errol, and immediately came over to chat. With Errol’s tendency for being monosyllabic unless he was talking about airplanes, it took Olive about two seconds to determine that Errol was “good” and that his visit to the hospital had been “fine.” This being clarified, Olive turned her attention to Katie. When Katie told her about her trip to Sowing Your Oats, the health food store in Carbondale, Olive had replayed Sherona’s surprise.

“Vulture’s Canyon is the central supply for health food in southern Illinois, southeastern Missouri and western Kentucky,” Olive exclaimed.

“I didn’t know about the co-op until just now. Do you work there, Olive?” Katie asked.

Olive nodded. “Yes, and over at the Trading Company as well. Have you been to the Trading Company yet?”

Katie shook her head.

“You should stop by. Vulture’s Canyon is the home to many fine artists.” She gave a smile of hopeful acknowledgment to Rill, who pointedly looked away. “The Trading Company is where we sell our wares. Sixty percent of all the proceeds for our sales of art go to Food for Body and Soul, a charitable organization with the goal of stamping out hunger and malnourishment in rural families in the Midwest and the Appalachian regions. Most of the funding for Body and Soul comes from the co-op, though.”

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