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Her hands went on a guided tour of his body as she accepted him into her softness. His arm wrapped around her back to hold onto her shoulders as his hips began to pump in and out of her. Breathy sighs and deep moans from the soul poured into the room as they got lost in each other’s arms. Her thighs rubbed up and down on his hips like a kitten in heat while her nails dug into his biceps the moment his thrusts got to be too much for her to endure.

“Levi,” she sighed in his ear.

“You were made for me, baby,” he whispered just before taking her mouth in a kiss so fierce and raw they were left breathless and panting for more.

Their tongues moved in the same fashion as his hips. Thrusting together, he felt her body tense up beneath him seconds before a rush of fluid covered his cock, and she cried out into his mouth.

They were sweaty and filthy. Stars lit behind Hayes’ shuttered eyelids as Levi took her over the edge, and she tumbled into euphoria. A pleasurable pulse rocked her body into sweet agony as he continued a slow slide in and out of her channel. Not once picking up the pace or slowing down to draw out her pleasure. He continued to chase his own ecstasy, using her body to do it.

When she’d awoken to the feel of his lips on her skin and his fingers tracing her thighs, she’d known immediately what they both needed. What she desired more tha

n anything else in the world. She craved Levi in a way she couldn’t fully understand until he was embedded in her body to the fullest. There wasn’t a single part of her that wasn’t surrounded by him.

“Hayes.” His groan brought her back down from the erotic plane she had been floating in. His hands squeezed painfully on her shoulders as he came apart inside of her. His pleasure bled through to her own, and soon, she was skyrocketing again.

“I love you, Hayes.” His words in her ear had her body constricting on him again, and they both moaned together in sated bliss.


Live every moment, love every day.

Levi sat in the school’s auditorium with his and Hayes’ family, watching and waiting for the ceremony to begin. His girl had been a beautiful wreck as she’d gotten ready to receive her diploma.

Her parents were beaming with pride as they watched her sitting in the second row. Not even paying attention to the principal as he got ready to start calling names. They cared only about their daughter. He couldn’t blame them.

He and Hayes had spent three days in San Diego, flying in late the afternoon before. They’d talked about anything and everything. Future plans, past mistakes. There wasn’t a single thing they no longer knew about each other.

He’d also discussed with her that the guilt she felt for living, the way she thought her parents were angry because Ryder had died, and that they couldn’t properly grieve because they had to put her back together, was unnecessary. They didn’t blame her for shit, and all the guilt in the world wouldn’t change their feelings for her. Nothing but love.

She hadn’t been able to see the emotions because she carried her own remorse, and he could understand that, but it had been a teary reunion when he dropped her off at home. They’d even made plans to go back during the summer as a family.

His mother was still somewhat pissed at him for keeping his fighting a secret. It wasn’t until she asked how many matches he’d lost at dinner the night before, that he’d known she’d gotten over her mad. Nox and Loch were only pissed they couldn’t watch him in action.

“Pipe down you two, they’re starting.” Levi laughed as their mother gave his brothers shit for betting on how many kids would trip up and fall while walking across the stage. There’d been two in Nox’s graduating class, seven in Levi’s, and four in Loch’s—him included. Lord love his brother, but he was a bit of a klutz when he was younger.

They all watched in anticipation as one by one the graduates were called up in alphabetical order. Excitement flooded his veins when Hayes was only two students away.

“Hayes Morrison.” Her name was announced, and all three brothers were on their feet, whistling and cheering like it was the Super Bowl. Her face went crimson red with embarrassment, but he saw in her eyes how much she loved their excitement.

They were given scathing looks from people all around them and even a few on stage, but they wouldn’t stop until she left the stage. Andrea was up front taking as many pictures as she could until Hayes walked down the steps, and Levi darted forward, picking her up by the hips before she could clear the last one. Earning more glares from the teachers as his lips grazed across hers lightly.

“So fucking proud of you, baby.” He could hear the clicking of her mother’s camera as they shared the moment.

“Thank you, Levi,” Hayes murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly.

The graduation ceremony was long over, and they were having a small party at Hayes’ house with family and a few of her friends. Brett was shooting hoops with Levi and Lochlan in the driveway. Nox and Sophia had disappeared after a seriously hot and heavy make out session in the kitchen and they’d been teased about it by the other guys milling around her backyard.

She’d successfully convinced Allegra to show up even though she wasn’t graduating. Every once in a while, Hayes would catch Brett’s gaze stray to the shy, young woman who was practically glued to Lorraine’s side. They’d hit it off immediately. Levi’s mom went full-on mother hen with the girl, and judging by the way Allegra hung on to her every word, Hayes thought she might be missing the motherly affection every teenage girl needed.

Looking around at her family and friends and knowing the one person she wanted there more than anything in the world wasn’t, added a twinge of sadness to her heart. But she knew that no matter what, Ryder would have been proud of her. He had always encouraged that she could do and be anything she wanted.

Arms wrapping around her from behind brought a huge grin to her face as Levi nuzzled into her neck. “You look gorgeous in this little dress.”

Sophia had shown up at her house last night with the perfect little dress for Hayes to wear. A light green, knee-length tube dress. It hugged her curves and hid her scars. The material was soft as she moved in it, and surprisingly, she didn’t feel like she was going to fall out of it anytime she moved.

“Sophia chose well, didn’t she?” She laughed at the shock on his face as she turned in his arms.

“Soph picked this?” She nodded. “Gonna have to tell Nox to give the girl a prize,” he mumbled against her lips.
