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Turning her head to the side as she heard the quiet snick of his zipper lowering, a salacious smile formed on her lips.

When he ran a finger through her arousal, she gasped at the unexpected move. His chuckle made her cheeks warm.

“Just like this, Soph.” He groaned as he placed the head of his cock to her willing pussy. No barriers. Just him and her. “Always like this.”

She savored the sweet slide of his throbbing member slowly penetrating her channel. Feeling the ridges and veins of his flesh pulse against her inner walls had her back arching and a low moan breaking the quiet spell they were under.

His pelvis was flush to her own when his hands squeezed the insides of her thighs just above where their bodies met and let out a deep growl of satisfaction. “The sweetest fucking burn, baby.” His grunts made her giggle, which in turn had her tightening around his length and him cursing, again. “Fuuuck.” The word was drawn out and full of desire.

Lennox made her feel worshipped when she was in his arms.

Jesus fuck. Sophia was going to kill him. Her shy looks, tight embrace, and heated eyes had Nox on the edge of control. The way she watched his every move as he slowly began pumping in and out of her sweet, silky depths. A place he never wanted to leave. He would happily stay planted inside of her for life.

Lifting her dress further up her body, he rested it just under her succulent tits. He watched the way she would hold in her breath when he rubbed against her sweet spot. The way her stomach rippled with every exhale when he afforded her a quick second of relief.

On one such inhale, a picture entered his mind clear as day. A small round bump for him to protect and cherish. A life for him to create. A child for them to love.

In a flash, he saw it all: the pregnancy, the birth, Sophia glowing with motherhood and growing into the amazing woman he knew she was. His eyes shot to hers when the image was all he could see. His hands slid up her body to cradle her delicate stomach, thumbs smoothing down the skin to her tight little cunt which was currently trying it’s best to suck his seed from the very depths of his soul.

“I can see him, sweetheart,” he whispered.

“Who?” She gasps when he buries himself inside of her and doesn’t move.

“Our son.” His voice steady, her green eyes wide with shock.

“He’ll have your eyes.” He began pumping his hips again, slow and steady. “My strength.” Her hands cover his. “Everything we are will be inside of him.” Her eyes glazed over as hips moved faster and the seed was planted in her mind.

He would never force her; the choice had to be hers. But fuck would he love it.

“Oh, Lennox,” she cried as her walls tightened and pulsed around his slow-moving cock. Her body tensed with her orgasm. The slapping of flesh against flesh, the only sounds in the garage as they came apart.

Nox’s own release was fast and furious as he followed Sophia over the edge into the abyss. His body tingled with awareness that this could be the time he impregnated her. Their bodies shuddered and vibrated together as they came down from their euphoric high.

Wrapping her legs firmly around his waist, he brought her body flush to his and carried her inside on wobbly legs. Only making it as far as the couch, they crashed down in a heap of limp limbs.

The words, “I saw him, too,” followed Nox into blissful slumber.

Sophia laid on top of Nox as he slept, unable to get his words out of her mind. I saw him. Their son. A child made of love and harmony. How badly she wanted that. More than her next breath. But it couldn’t be, not until her mother was locked away for her crimes against her. She couldn’t live under a cloud of grey trying to bring a child into this world knowing someone was trying to hurt her.

She wanted children. Heaven and Earth did she ever, but there were so many other things she wanted to do as well. Meeting Lennox opened so many doors for her. Working in his shop, even as entry-level as being the receptionist, she found she enjoyed the work. The idea of going to school wasn’t as out of reach as she always believed it to be.

Lennox made her believe she could do anything.

Something she had to ask herself was, was she ready to give it all up for children?

The answer was complicated.

The greatest gift out parents gave us, was each other.

Stretching, Nox’s back cracked and popped from sleeping so awkwardly on the sofa all day. They’d left the Waffle House, made love on his car, and crashed on the couch. It was both the best and worst sleep he’d had in a few days.

Untangling himself from Soph’s relaxed body, he quietly crawled off the couch intent on making something for them to eat before she woke up. He also had to tell her about Rebecca being locked up and Elianna trying to find her.

He was more afraid of how she would take the news about having a sister she never knew about. It was a conversation he both dreaded and looked forward to. Foremost, she had to know she was safe.

Pulling out what he needed for fajitas, he got to work defrosting the chicken and chopping the vegetables. By the time everything was cooking and nearly ready to plate, Soph walked into the kitchen looking perfectly ruffled and satisfied. Her hair was a tangled mess, her eyes looked bright with satisfaction, and she was back to her shy self. Hands twisted in front of her and a light pink blush covered the round apples of her cheeks.

“Hey, baby.” He greeted her, reaching into the cupboard to grab a glass, filling it with the orange juice she liked. “How’d you sleep?”
