Page 327 of Bad Seed

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It was like Caleb was still right there, holding me and fucking me senseless. I moaned softly and slowly continued to rub my clit, circling my fingers over my dripping pussy and wishing it was Caleb’s fingers instead of my own.

When the waves of pleasure faded, I felt a profound sense of dread fall like a weight in my stomach. I removed my hand from my panties and sighed deeply, frustration and anger brewing at

the back of my mind. What did I just do? How could I let myself fantasize about Caleb Lewis? After all these years, hadn’t I put him behind me? Hadn’t I let go of my feelings for him?

I chastised myself for letting him get to me. After one day, being around him one time, I was already back to imagining what it would be like to be with him. I felt like I was seventeen years old again, desperately in love with a boy I couldn’t have. What the hell was wrong with me? How could I let myself act this way again? I wasn’t seventeen anymore. I was a successful twenty-seven-year-old woman. Ten years had passed since the last time I felt Caleb’s lips on mine. He was my past, and I refused to let the memories of him overwhelm my present.

Determined to hold myself together, I jumped out of bed and hurried toward the bathroom. While I showered, I tried to wash away my dream. It had felt so real. I couldn’t shake it, but I knew I had to. Dreaming about Caleb wasn’t an option, not after everything he put me through.

Years ago, I thought Caleb was the love of my life. I convinced myself he was it for me.

When our parents first met, while working at the hospital, we didn’t even know each other. My mom died when I was young, and it had always just been my dad and me. Caleb was a trouble-maker who didn’t want anyone telling him what to do. We each thought it was the worst thing that our parents were dating. In a way, it was. It brought us together. We fell for each other so fast that we didn’t know how to handle it. Our emotions overwhelmed us, and soon, we were reckless in our desperation to be together.

We went so far as to plan an escape. We were going to run away together, leave home and our parents behind. Nothing was going to stop us from loving each other. Nothing except Caleb himself. He changed his mind and left me holding the pieces of my broken heart alone. I was destroyed.

I spent years repairing the damage Caleb caused, and I would be damned if I was going to let him back in now. He was nothing to me anymore. His mother married my father, but we were not family. I worked so hard to avoid seeing him for so many years. I missed countless family holidays and weddings if I knew Caleb was in attendance. Dad supported my decisions because he wanted me to keep my distance from Caleb more than I did. That in combination with Caleb’s military school schedule meant a decade of avoiding a run in. We hadn’t spoken in so long, and now he was my patient. I didn’t know how I would handle being in charge of Caleb’s PT, but I knew I wouldn’t shy away from it. My job was everything to me. Caleb wasn’t going to take that away.

Dad and I talked about me requesting another PT to be assigned to Caleb, but I made the decision that Caleb’s condition was the right challenge to help me excel in my rotations. I told myself that I’d spent enough years apart from Caleb and that I was over him for some time. It turned out that may not have been the total truth.

Why did the asshole have to be so hot? And on top of that a fire fighter who saves lives.

My dad and step mom always had a positive influence on me, because they saved lives for a living. They inspired me to pursue a career where I could do the same. It seemed apparent to me now that Caleb was also influenced by them in his own way. The thought put an involuntary smile on my face.

I got dressed quickly, throwing my wet hair in a bun and pulling on my scrubs. My determination was stronger than ever as I drove toward the hospital. Thankfully, I hadn’t had another headache in two days. I felt healthy and strong, ready to take on this latest challenge.

As I stepped inside the physical therapy office, I waved to my coworkers and sat down at my desk. My first session wasn’t for another two hours, and I had some paperwork to finish. I knew my office work wouldn’t keep me busy for long, but it was a distraction I desperately needed. I threw myself into it, not thinking about Caleb again until Joan came over to my desk.

“You got that firefighter, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Caleb Lewis?” I asked. “Yeah.”

“Lucky bitch,” Joan said, groaning with disappointment.

“What?” I asked.

“He’s so fucking hot,” Joan said. “I did my rounds this morning, and I peeked in on him. God, he is gorgeous.”

“He’s a patient,” I said firmly.

“A hot patient.” Joan laughed. I rolled my eyes and tried to keep my annoyance in check.

“I should probably go check in on him,” I said.

“Pinch his ass for me,” Joan said, wagging her eyebrows.

I ignored her and hurried out of the room. Anger was boiling inside me as I made my way to Caleb’s floor. I could barely see straight as I replayed Joan’s words in my mind. She was always that way, eager to throw herself at any hot doctor or patient who looked her way. It was exhausting but also entertaining. Until now.

I clenched my fists at my side as I thought about her hitting on Caleb. Shaking myself, I tried to relax. What did it matter if Joan hit on Caleb? I didn’t care who he dated. It wasn’t my business, and it never would be. With that thought in mind, I squared my shoulders and stepped into his room.

I walked quietly toward his bed. He was asleep, tucked deep beneath his blankets. I watched him for a second before I turned my attention to Cathy. She was sitting beside his bed, wearing her nurse’s scrubs.

“Are you working today?” I asked, keeping my voice down.

She nodded. “I wish I wasn’t. I don’t want to leave him.”

“He’ll be okay,” I said, patting her shoulder. “He has a team of doctors.”

“I know.” She sighed. “He’s still in so much pain, though. I worry they won’t take care of him if I’m not here to browbeat them into it.”

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