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“Exactly.” Vorn’s eyes flashed liquid gold. “I’m going to breed my female here and now on the stage tonight and generate enough erotic energy for your people to fertilize every damn egg on the whole fucking planet. And believe me—we can do it. My female and I are used to making a lot of heat between us.”

The Priestess seemed to consider his offer.

“Well…Lust is preferable to Blood. Eggs fertilized with the energy of Lust have stronger shells and hatch younglings who are much more likely to survive to maturity.”

“Then let us enhance your ritual,” Vorn urged her. “In return, all we ask is that you let us go free at the end. But we won’t stop until you’re satisfied.”

The Priestess nodded.

“Very well. If you are able to generate the necessary erotic energy, we will allow you to live and go free after the Festival of Fertility is over. But if not…” She pointed one long scaly finger at Vorn. “Then both your lives are forfeit! Are you willing to take the risk?”

Vorn nodded. “Hell yes—I’ll take it.”

“Then go to her.” The Priestess gestured to Jodi. “Go to your female and breed her so that all of my people may breed as well.”


The Priestess and the Master of Whips stepped back and Vorn ran to where Jodi was chained. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her small body tremble against his much larger one.

“Baby,” he murmured in her ear. “How are you, little girl? Are you all right?”

“Vorn!” She was shaking like a leaf as she pressed herself against him—as much as she was able with her arms still tied above her head. “You came for me,” she breathed. “I can’t believe you came.”

Vorn cupped her face in his hands and tenderly kissed her tear-stained cheeks.

“Of course I came, little girl,” he murmured in her ear. “I’ll always come for you.” He pulled back and looked seriously into her eyes. “I’m afraid I had to make kind of a radical deal to get us out of here, though.”

“I heard.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I guess our playtime tonight is going to be for higher stakes than usual.”

“Yeah, it is. But don’t think about that.” Vorn leaned down to take her mouth in a long, breathless kiss. When he pulled back he whispered in her ear, “Just think about me Claiming you, baby. Think about me finally being able to touch you—touch you everywhere—with nothing between us. Think of how good it’s going to feel when I finally open your soft little pussy with my cock.”

Jodi’s breath seemed to catch in her throat and he knew what he was saying was affecting her. He wished he had fangs like a Blood Kindred so he could bite her and give her an instant orgasm to warm her up, but it seemed his little sex kitten’s motor was already revving. He knew that fear could sometimes translate into other strong emotions and that was what he was hoping for here, because if he couldn’t get Jodi hot enough, they weren’t going to generate enough erotic energy to satisfy the Varians.

But he wasn’t about to say all that to the little female in front of him. In fact, it was important for her not to think of what was riding on their performance at all.

“Jodi,” he murmured, stroking her cheek and holding her gaze with his. “I want you to forget everyone else in the room but me. Tonight I’m your Master and I’m going to do whatever I want with you. Do you understand?”

She gave a strangled little moan and seemed to melt against him.

“Yes, Vorn,” she whispered. “Yes…Master.”

“Good.” He nodded, glad she was on board with the strange performance they had to put on. “Then just relax, baby—I’m going to take care of you tonight.”

Jodi felt like she was caught in some kind of bizarre dream which was half horror and half porn. She understood the deal Vorn had made to get them out of here and she knew that he was going to be fucking her in front of a crowd of thousands but it all seemed so sureal. It was like something out of one of her wilder fantasies, and certainly nothing she had thought would ever come true.

But here they were and the show had to go on.

I have to relax, she told herself. I have to give myself up to Vorn and let him do whatever he wants—have to let him Claim me.

The thought made her heart beat faster and her knees feel weak. It wasn’t actually that different from how she’d felt when she thought she was going to be whipped to death. But at least she felt safe now—she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the big Beast Kindred would either kill or die to protect her. No matter what else happened, Vorn would stay by her side until the bitter end. He would never leave her. He—
