Page 76 of Burning Obsession

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‘My wife has had three,’ he told her as he took the carrycot into the lounge, ‘so I’m sure you still tire very easily.’

Kelly gave him a generous tip for his kindness, then turned to find a stunned Mrs McLeod peering into the carrycot.


‘It’s all right,’ Kelly laughed. ‘I know just how you feel.’

The housekeeper stared to beam. ‘I’m sure you don’t.’

‘But I do,’ she insisted happily. ‘How do you feel about baby-sitting for half an hour? I’m just going to the office to bring Jordan home to lunch.’

‘I’d love to baby-sit,’ Mrs McLeod said eagerly. ‘Mr Lord’s going to be so pleased to see you.’

‘I hope so. I really hope so.’

‘He will be. But I’m afraid this,’ Kelly indicated the carrycot, ‘is going to come as something of a surprise to him.’

‘A pleasant one, I hope. Make it a celebration lunch, Mrs McLeod,’ she stooped to kiss her sleeping offspring. ‘Feeding time isn’t for another two hours, so you should be all right.’

The housekeeper was looking disappointed. ‘And I was hoping to get a little cuddle.’

‘Don’t worry,’ she laughed. ‘You’ll have plenty of time for that.’

‘Oh, Mrs Lord…’ Mrs McLeod said tearfully.

‘I know,’ Kelly squeezed her hand. ‘Now, half an hour,’ she warned before leaving the house.

Janet looked as surprised to see her as Mrs McLeod had been, although she recovered her equilibrium very well. ‘I’ll tell Mr Lord you’re here,’ she said politely.

‘No, don’t do that,’ Kelly stopped her from buzzing Jordan’s office. ‘I want to surprise him,’ she explained.

Janet raised her eyebrows. ‘Oh, I think you’ll do that.’

‘My husband will be out to lunch,’ Kelly told the other girl. ‘And could you cancel his appointments for the rest of the day. And don’t put any calls through.’

‘I’m not sure—’

‘Cancel them, Janet,’ Kelly told her firmly before letting herself into Jordan’s office.

He looked up as soon as she entered the room, obviously not used to people walking in on him in this way. He looked ill, very gaunt and pale, his hair even greyer at the temples. There was a look of bleak unhappiness about him, and Kelly knew she was the cause of it. She hoped she would be the one to dispel it too.

‘Kelly…’ He stood up slowly, a quickfire emotion flickering into his eyes.

She was heartened by that emotion, believing it to be the love he had hidden from her for so long, a love she now felt able to accept to the full. ‘Hello, darling,’ she greeted him huskily.

He swallowed hard. ‘Darling…?’ he repeated dazedly.

‘Yes—darling.’ She instantly went to him, putting her arms about his waist below his jacket, her head resting on his chest, the fast beat of his heart sounding like a drum. ‘I’ve missed you so,’ she told him shakily.

His arms closed fiercely about her. ‘God knows I’ve missed you too,’ he groaned, his face buried in her throat. ‘Where have you been?’ he demanded to know, holding her at arms’ length. ‘I’ve had people looking for you everywhere!’

‘You have?’ Her eyes widened.

‘Of course. You can’t just disappear like that without worrying me out of my mind.’

‘But I telephoned my father.’

‘That isn’t the same,’ Jordan rasped. ‘Where have you been, Kelly?’

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