Page 72 of Burning Obsession

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‘You disgust me!’ Kelly told her before leaving.

So much for her avoiding all upsets and excitement during her pregnancy! So far she had been told just how delicate she really was, had found out that Maggie’s boy-friend was the reporter Ben Durston, and now it appeared Maggie had been chasing Jordan for years. It was all so hard to take in.

She was still in a daze when she arrived home, blinking as Mrs McLeod hurried across the hallway in a harassed manner. ‘Is there anything wrong?’ Kelly asked her.

‘Nothing at all,’ the housekeeper beamed at her. ‘Everything is wonderful. You see—’

‘That’s all right, Mrs McLeod.’ Jordan had appeared as if from nowhere. ‘Take the champagne through to Mr Darrow when you have it, and tell him that Mrs Lord and I will join him in a moment.’

Kelly watched as the woman hurried in the direction of the kitchen, feeling her arm taken in a firm grasp as Jordan took her into his study. She looked at him nervously, wondering about the champagne. Surely Dr Anderson hadn’t broken his promise to her?

‘Your father and Anne have just announced their engagement,’ Jordan put her mind at rest about knowing of the baby.

For a moment what he had said didn’t hit her, then she gave a disbelieving laugh. ‘Oh no, Jordan, now that I just won’t allow.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘You won’t allow it?’ His voice was deceptively soft.

‘No, I won’t.’ She gave a firm shake of her head. ‘You may have affairs with whom you please, but you will not involve my father in it.’

‘Affair…? Are you implying that I’ve been having an affair with Anne?’ he demanded tautly.

Kelly was unmoved by his anger; the child inside her gave her a confidence that might otherwise have been lacking. ‘I’m more than implying it, Jordan. You see, I saw you togethe

r at a restaurant a few weeks ago.’

‘You saw me with Anne?’ He sounded incredulous.


‘But I—I know! Yes, I was with her—but so was your father,’ he announced grimly.

‘You were alone!’

‘Your father arrived later than we did. If you’d stayed around a little longer to spy on me you would probably have seen him join us.’

Kelly still eyed him suspiciously. ‘Just supposing that’s true—’

‘It is,’ he snapped.

‘If it’s true why were you all so secretive about it?’

Jordan lips clamped together, and he seemed to be in deep thought. ‘You intend leaving me anyway, don’t you?’ he said finally.

‘As soon as possible,’ she confirmed.

‘Then I have nothing to lose,’ he shrugged resignedly. ‘Your father regained his memory that day. If you remember he was heavily sedated when you arrived home?’

Only one thing seemed important to her at the moment. ‘My father has his memory back?’ she repeated dazedly. ‘He remembers everything?’

‘Yes,’ Jordan admitted heavily.

Her last worry was removed. She had been debating how she could suddenly disappear when her father was still ill, now that obstacle had been taken away she could leave with a clear conscience. There just remained the puzzle of why she hadn’t been told of his recovery weeks ago.

‘Why do you think?’ Jordan answered her query as to why.

She shook her head, too weary to think. ‘I have no idea.’

‘You surprise me,’ he drawled. ‘Just lately you seem to be the one with all the answers.’

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