Page 55 of Burning Obsession

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‘No, we weren’t, we were talking about Jordan. They’re two totally different subjects?’

‘They are?’

‘Totally,’ Kelly nodded.

‘Then you aren’t really back together?’ Laura asked shrewdly.


‘I thought not,’ Laura sighed. ‘Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that when we last met you didn’t exactly act like someone who was ecstatically happy. And having just been reunited with your husband I would have thought you would have been.’

Kelly smiled. ‘You aren’t just a pretty face, are you, there’s a brain there as well.’

‘I hope so,’ Laura laughed. ‘My father’s teaching, I’m afraid. He was one of those people who believe that if you want something you should go out and get it.’

Kelly sobered. ‘If you mean I should set out to capture Jordan, then it’s too late. Maybe it was always too late for us.’

‘Now that I don’t believe. Ian told me Jordan was always besotted with you.’

Kelly gave a disbelieving laugh. ‘Ian must have the wrong man. Jordan doesn’t care for anyone very long, he never has done.’

‘But Ian said—’

‘Then he was wrong,’ Kelly cut in harshly. ‘I know my husband. I’m not even his type,’ she added bitterly.

‘Don’t be silly,’ Laura scorned. ‘Men don’t have a type.‘

‘Jordan does. Tall, leggy, and blonde.’

‘Then I can understand why he married you. Yes, I can,’ Laura insisted. ‘You must have knocked him for six.’

‘I knocked him for six months,’ Kelly corrected. ‘That was exactly the amount of time our marriage lasted.’

‘Your fault or his?’

‘A bit of both, I suppose. Heavens, you aren’t really going to eat that, are you?’ she said disgustedly as Laura’s sandwich arrived.

‘Of course,’ her friend grinned. ‘Look the other way if you can’t bear it.’

Kelly did so. ‘At least my craving was for something sensible. Chocolate biscuits,’ she explained.

Laura made a face. ‘How boring!’

‘But not as revolting as that!’

‘Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.’ Laura bit into the sandwich with obvious enjoyment.

Just the thought of it made Kelly shudder. ‘No, thanks!’

‘You’re evading the issue again. Help yourself to coffee,’ Laura invited. ‘Now tell me what part was Jordan’s fault and what part was yours.’

Kelly sighed. ‘There isn’t much to tell. While I was carrying Jordan’s child he was having an affair with another woman.’ Her hand shook as she raised the coffee cup to her lips.


‘When I found out I lost the baby. After that I couldn’t even bear him near me. I decided there was no point in continuing the marriage when I couldn’t even stand him touching me, so I walked out.’

‘You left him because you didn’t like him touching you?’ Laura frowned.

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