Page 49 of Burning Obsession

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‘Maybe you have at that.’ He turned away. ‘Goodnight, Kelly.’

‘Good—goodnight?’ she choked, the conversation far from over as far as she was concerned.

‘Yes.’ His back was firmly turned towards her.

‘Why is it you always clam up every time we get anywhere near understanding each other?’ she demanded to know.

‘Because it’s too late for that,’ he sighed. ‘Much too late. I said goodnight, Kelly,’ he reminded her pointedly.

She swallowed hard, frustrated with his attitude. Why wouldn’t he talk to her, at least tell her he despised her if he did? He was a man made out of granite, needing a woman in his life only as a means of appeasing a natural body function, having no use for her outside of that section of his life. Kelly realised now that in the past she must have intruded, had demanded more than Jordan was prepared to give. And she had started to do it again, that was the reason he had once again rejected her. Thank God she hadn’t agreed to go back to him on a permanent basis; her attraction had lasted even less time than it had before.

Sleep wouldn’t come to her. She had become used to the lean strength of Jordan’s body entwined with hers, had felt comforted and protected in his arms. The bed now seemed big and lonely, a poignant reminder of how things had been for them after she had told him about the baby.

She shouldn’t have thought of the baby. Thinking of the baby brought Angela Divine back into her mind too, especially that last conversation she had heard between Jordan and the other girl. Kelly rolled over in the bed, her face buried in the pillow that still had a faint smell of Jordan’s aftershave and the cheroots he smoked. The conversation between Jordan and his secretary was indelibly printed in her brain, each hurtful, shocking word engraved in her memory.

‘If she finds out she won’t like it.’ Jordan’s voice had been lazily amused.

Kelly had been in the process of entering the office, but something had held her back. If she had walked in she would have been confronted with guilty faces, although no doubt Jordan would have carried off the moment with his usual arrogance.

Angela had given a husky laugh, completely confident. ‘She won’t find out. There’s absolutely no reason why she should.’

‘You obviously don’t know her very well, she’s a very possessive young lady.’ Jordan still sounded amused. ‘Arid her father is very influential in the business world. There could be trouble.’

‘That wouldn’t stop us meeting,’ Angela declared.

‘I guess it wouldn’t at that,’ Jordan had laughed. ‘You’re very sure of yourself, Angela.’

‘Shouldn’t I be?’ The secretary’s voice was huskily suggestive.

‘Yes, I think maybe you should.’

Angela gave a throaty laugh. ‘I know my own potential.’

‘With good reason, I should say,’ Jordan said softly.

‘Jordan,’ Angela’s voice was persuasive, ‘do you think before Kelly has her baby we could take some time off to go away together? I realise it won’t be possible after that, you’ll be too busy.’

‘I suppose I could arrange a couple of days. Okay, Angie, you make the arrangements and let me know when you want to go.’

‘Oh, thank you, Jordan!’ Angela had cried ecstatically. ‘I’ll go and do that now.’

That had been the moment Kelly had come to her senses, the moment she had run sobbing from the building, the reason she couldn’t even bear Jordan near her when he came to the hospital later.

Kelly groaned, the memories as painful as if it had been yesterday. It was no good, she would never sleep now. She got up and dressed in denims and a warm jumper, and crept softly down the stairs. Maybe a walk would help relax her, taken her mind off these deep, dark thoughts.

London was strangely silent this time of the morning; a few people were still on the streets, but it was nowhere near as crowded as it always was during the day. Kelly enjoyed her window-shopping, ignoring the attempts of several men to pick her up. After all, she must look very suspect wandering around the streets, obviously aimlessly. The men took their rebuffs goodnaturedly, although Kelly was wise enough to realise she might not be as fortunate the next time, turning for home, her purposeful steps precluding anyone talking to her this time.

It was after four o’clock in the morning when she let herself back into the house and went to the kitchen to take herself a much-needed cup of coffee.

It was strangely eerie sitting in the silence of the stainless-steel kitchen. She felt like the only person awake in the world, like—what was that? She had heard a noise from somewhere in the house. Surely no one else was awake this early in the morning? Perhaps it was her father, unable to sleep because of the terrible shock he had received earlier.

There it was again, and it sounded like a groan this time. Oh lord, she thought, he wasn’t ill again, was he?

She traced the noise to Jordan’s study. What on earth was her father doing in there? The door creaked as she slowly pushed it open, disturbing the man sprawled across the couch, an empty bottle of whisky lying beside him on the carpeted floor beside him. Jordan!

Kelly walked over to him. The room reeked of whisky, some of it was actually spilt on the floor if she wasn’t mistaken, which should please the housekeeper. Jordan groaned once again as she touched his shoulder, his eyes flickering open, their grey depths bleary and unfocusing as he blinked up at her.

‘Wh—what do you want?’ his voice was slurred. ‘Why can’t you stay away from me? Leave me alone. Go away, I tell you!’ He feebly struck out at her.

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