Page 39 of Burning Obsession

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Kelly sat down on the bed. ‘I have no idea.’

‘No one else knew but us, and some of the hospital staff, of, course.’

‘I doubt it was one of them.’

Jordan picked up the newspaper in which the story was featured. ‘Ben Durston,’ he read out the reporter’s name. ‘I’ve never heard of him. Have you?’

Anger flared in her violet eyes. ‘Are you implying—’

‘I’m not implying anything,’ he sighed. ‘I’m just trying to

find out where he got his information. Somehow this man, Ben Durston, found out about your father. I want to know how.’

‘Well, it wasn’t me,’ Kelly snapped.

‘And it wasn’t from me. So it must have been someone at the hospital, one of the nurses perhaps.’ He took a cream jacket out of the wardrobe and slipped in on over his powerful shoulders.

‘Where are you going?’ Kelly wanted to know.

‘To see Ben Durston,’ Jordan scowled. ‘I want to know who his source was. Luckily enough it seems your father is taking it very well. He’s a little shocked right now, but he’ll get over it. Maybe it would have been better if he had been told the truth from the start.’

‘Perhaps,’ she agreed. ‘But Dr Jones said, and we agreed with him at the time, that to tell him might be more harmful.’

‘Maybe, but he’s good and mad about it now. I’ll be back later.’ Jordan straightened his cuff.

‘Aren’t you going in to work today?’

‘No,’ he said curtly.

‘Poor Janet, she will be disappointed.’


She gave him a sweet smile. ‘Forgive me, Jordan, I forgot this ability you have to satisfy more than one woman at the same time.’

‘Not simultaneously, I hope?’ his mouth twisted mockingly.

Kelly’s expression hardened. ‘Will you be back in time for lunch?’

‘That depends on how long it takes to get the information I want.’

Knowing how persuasive he could be she didn’t think he would be late back. Jordan was one of those people who liked to get his own way—and he usually succeeded. ‘I’ll tell Mrs McLeod you’ll be here for lunch, then,’ she told him coolly.

‘Will you be here?’

She shrugged. ‘I’m not sure—’

‘Kelly, we have to talk—’

‘I don’t know what about,’ her voice was brittlely light.

‘Last night—’

‘Oh, not that again, Jordan,’ she cut in impatiently. ‘Did you enjoy last night?’

Dark colour flooded his cheeks. ‘You know I did,’ he revealed tightly.

‘And so did I. Now let’s stop making a federal case out of it.’

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