Page 37 of Burning Obsession

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‘It didn’t matter.’ Her hands were on his shoulders now. ‘Daddy and I were all right, and you have to do your work.’ She continued her caressing movements.

‘Yes,’ he sighed. ‘But after last night—’

‘Last night?’ Kelly repeated sharply, her cool momentarily deserting her.

She got herself together with effort. ‘What was so special about last night?’ she asked lightly.

He rolled over, more dangerous in this position, his gaze unashamedly lingering on the scantiness of her pale green silky nightgown, her breasts firm and uptilted beneath the revealing material. ‘You ask me that?’ he said huskily soft, his hands firm on her upper arms.

‘Yes,’ she smiled. ‘We’re married, Jordan. We’re perfectly entitled to last night.’

‘But you aren’t coming back to me?’ His eyes were narrowed to icy grey slits.

‘I couldn’t make a decision like that on the basis of one night together,’ she shrugged.

‘Kelly?’ he frowned. ‘What are you suggesting? That we carry on like this, sleeping together and yet making no commitment to each other?’

She sat back on her heels. Yes, that was exactly what she was suggesting, until he could make her the kind of commitment she wanted, and that was total.

She gave a casual shrug. ‘I’m not ready to make a commitment to anyone.’ She watched him as he swung off the bed, standing up to discard the towel and pull on his bathrobe. ‘Where are you going?’ she asked as he moved to the door.

The look he gave her was savage, his eyes blazing, his mouth taut. ‘To get a drink,’ he snapped.

‘Like that?’ she indicated his state of undress.

‘Stark naked if I feel like it!’ he told her harshly.

Kelly shrugged. ‘Shall I wait for you?’

‘No,’ he said grimly, slamming the door after him.

Kelly took him at his word and didn’t stay awake for him, turning off all the lights except the lamp on Jordan’s side of the bed and snuggling down under the blankets. She hoped Jordan didn’t drink too much, his temper was foul when he had a hangover.

He couldn’t have drunk much at all, he had only been gone five minutes. Kelly turned over to look at him, blinking to wake herself from the light doze she had drifted into.

His savagery hadn’t left him as he came to sit on the side of the bed, lifting her roughly towards him. ‘I want you,’ he ground out fiercely. ‘Want you!’ he repeated with a groan.

Kelly faced him unflinchingly. ‘I’m not saying no, Jordan,’ she told him softly.

‘Then why the hell aren’t you?’ He shook her hard. ‘I can’t believe this is you talking. You don’t love me, you aren’t willing to become my wife again, and yet you want to go to bed with me.’

‘You’re a good lover, Jordan. I’ve missed sleeping with you.’

His eyes turned black. ‘And I’ve missed sleeping with you!’ he said raggedly. ‘Come here,’ he demanded.

She wasn’t resisting. There was no gentleness in him as he possessed her, only hard demand and mind-shattering sensations. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, leaving her weak and clinging to him. If anything their lovemaking had been better than last night.

‘Have there been any other lovers for you, Kelly?’ Jordan asked her as he lit up a cheroot.

‘No.’ She wasn’t going to lie about something as important as that, not even if she did think it would make him jealous.

‘Why haven’t there?’ He watched her through a haze of smoke.

She shrugged. ‘I’ve been kept busy travelling with my father.’

‘In other words you just didn’t have the time for lovers,’ he said dryly.

Or the inclination. After Jordan she hadn’t believed herself capable of feeling attracted to any man. And yet she could feel, for Jordan, only for Jordan. ‘Something like that,’ she agreed huskily.

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