Page 19 of Burning Obsession

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His hands were firm on her back, although Kelly needed no force to keep her against him, feeling as helpless as metal pulled to a magnet. Her neck was arched, her feet almost off the ground with the force of his embrace.

His lips moved against hers with fierce insistence, demanding that she meet his passion in full, unrelenting as she began to gasp for air. She felt lightheaded, dizzy, and she refused to put this down to anything but her breathlessness, refused to acknowledge the fire in her veins, the fever in her eyes.

‘Put me down!’ she demanded indignantly, knowing her mouth must be bare of lip-gloss, her hair tumbled about her face.

‘Certainly.’ He lowered her to the ground, although there was strength enough in him to ignore her command and carry her off to one of the four bedrooms in this suite if he should care to. Kelly told herself she would have fought such a move, but she also knew it was a fight she would have lost.

Anger burnt at his ability to look unmoved by the passion and desire he had just forced from her. ‘Don’t ever to that again!’

Jordan gave a soft laugh, his expression lazily mocking. ‘But I told you, I like kissing you.’

‘And I hate it

!’ She glared at him.

‘Liar!’ he taunted. ‘You love it, you always did.’

‘I thought we weren’t going to discuss the past,’ she said stiffly, her face bright red with shame. Jordan was too experienced not to know she had surrendered to him completely a few minutes ago.

‘But, Kelly,’ he mocked throatily, ‘that wasn’t the past.’

‘It wasn’t the future either,’ she snapped.

‘It was here and now, and you liked it as much as I did. Besides, we should get in some practice.’


‘Well, it won’t look very good in front of your father if I don’t even know how to kiss my wife. You might have learnt to kiss differently since last we met.’

Her eyes flashed with anger. ‘And how would I have done—Ooh!’ she cried at his smile of satisfaction. ‘I’ve been out with other men,’ she told him defiantly.

‘But apparently none of them for long enough for them to have kissed you,’ he drawled, straightening the cuff of his shirt beneath the navy blue suit he wore.

‘I’ve been kissed!’ She almost stamped her foot with rage.

Jordan’s rage was even fiercer than hers, deep lines grooved beside his nose and mouth. ‘By how many?’ he asked tightly.

‘A few,’ she refused to meet the demand of his gaze. ‘Not as many women as you’ve had, I’m sure.’

His fingers bit into her arms, and Kelly felt sure they would leave bruises. ‘We aren’t discussing me, Kelly. How many men have there been? Have you slept with any of them?’

She was white with shock, hardly able to stand as he shook her. ‘Certainly not! Can you say the same about your women?’ she challenged as he at last let her go.

He watched her between narrowed lids, his eyes a metallic grey. ‘And if I can?’

Kelly gave a scornful snort. ‘After five years?’ she derided, a smile on her lips. ‘You couldn’t go for five days without a woman, let alone five years!’

‘Maybe not,’ he shrugged, his anger apparently forgotten.

‘If you’re looking for a reason to divorce me, Jordan, you won’t find one that way.’

‘After this amount of time we could claim incompatibility. But I’ve already told you I don’t want a divorce.’

‘Of course, a wife in the background suits you.’

‘Exactly,’ he nodded, completely in control again. ‘Do you want a divorce? Is there someone you want to marry?’

She frowned. ‘No.’

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