Page 41 of Defying Drakon

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Oh, it was much worse than that—not only had Angela not given those rings to Gemini, but she had taken great delight in wearing the emerald and diamond engagement ring herself…several times.

‘Which she hasn’t done,’ Gemini confirmed flatly. ‘Now, could we finish eating our dinner?’ Although, in truth, she wasn’t sure she had an appetite for it any more.

Any more than she had for the long evening in Drakon’s company that now stretched ahead of her…


A SECOND chauffeur-driven limousine was waiting for them at a private airport near Verona, but Gemini sat alone in the back of the luxurious car for several minutes after Drakon excused himself to make a brief telephone call.

‘Everything okay?’ she asked when he finally joined her.

‘Perfect.’ He turned to give her a brief, hard smile as the car moved smoothly forward.

The unpleasant memories resurrected by their earlier conversation about her parents and Angela had thankfully dissipated as they’d continued to chat casually during the delicious dinner Malcolm had served to them so efficiently during the flight, and now Gemini was once again anticipating the evening ahead, and the opera she had no doubts would be a feast for the senses.

It wouldn’t dare be anything else when she had Drakon Lyonedes as her escort for the evening!

Which, when she thought about it, was pretty incredible, considering she had been feeling so angry and upset with him just over a week ago.

The reason for her initial animosity still existed, of course—especially as Drakon’s company was about to take possession of Bartholomew House. But his personality was such, and this unexpected time in Verona so magical, that it was difficult if not impossible for Gemini even to think of reverting back to resenting him.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t fully capable of resenting the dozens of glamorous women who looked at Drakon so covetously once they had reached the amphitheatre and joined the other patrons of the opera in the exclusive bar for a glass of champagne before the performance began.

Not that she could exactly blame any of those women. Tall, broad-shouldered, and dressed in that designer-label black evening suit and white silk shirt and bowtie, his dark hair slightly tousled from the warm and sultry breeze, Drakon was by far and away the most handsome and distinguished man present.

‘Please don’t let my being here stop you from being with any of your friends,’ she said, after watching Drakon nod aloof acknowledgement as he was greeted by various people.

‘They are mainly business acquaintances, not friends.’ Drakon looked down the length of his arrogant nose at her and them. ‘And I have no wish to be with any of them.’

It was a sentiment so obviously not shared by several of the more beautiful women present. ‘I don’t think the sexy redhead near the bar regards you as a business acquaintance!’ Gemini teased, noting the other woman’s sultry glance in his direction.

‘I am not responsible for what other people think of me.’ Drakon didn’t so much as spare a glance in the redhead’s direction. ‘The champagne is to your liking?’

It was slightly exhilarating, Gemini realised, to know that a man whose attentions were as welcome as Drakon’s so obviously were was concerned only with her welfare. ‘The champagne is perfect, thank you.’ She smiled up at him warmly.

Drakon felt himself bathed in the warmth of that smile—a feeling he found surprisingly pleasurable after observing that several of the men present had been eyeing Gemini with acute interest since their arrival a few minutes ago. An interest she seemed totally unaware of. Or was perhaps just uninterested in? Whatever the reason—

‘Gem? My God, Gem, is that really you?’

Drakon stiffened as this excited greeting interrupted his train of thought. A greeting directed at Gemini.

She confirmed that it was as she turned, her expression slightly puzzled, only to have her face light up with pleasure as she obviously recognised the blond-haired man now making his way determinedly towards her through the crowd of people.

‘Good grief! What on earth are you doing here, Sam?’ Gemini asked excitedly.

‘The same as you. I’m here to watch the opera, of course!’ The younger man seemed elusively familiar to Drakon as he reached out to grasp both of Gemini’s hands in his and beamed down at her. ‘My God, Gem, you can’t believe how good it is to see you again—and in Verona of all places!’ He laughed exuberantly.

‘Unbelievable, isn’t it?’ Gemini acknowledged the beauty of their surroundings.

At the same time she became aware of the dark and brooding man standing stiffly disapproving beside her.

She glanced up at Drakon from beneath lowered lashes, able to feel the leashed displeasure just below the surface of his urbanity and knowing by the coldness of his expression and the chill in those glittering black eyes as he regarded the other man haughtily that he resented Sam’s intrusion.

She left her hands clasped within Sam’s as she made the introductions. ‘Drakon—Sam Middleton. Sam, this is Drakon Lyonedes.’

‘As in Lyonedes Enterprises?’ Sam gave him a startled glance even as he released her to hold out a perfunctory hand in greeting.

‘Middleton,’ Drakon returned tersely, neither confirming nor denying his identity as he briefly returned the handshake.
