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“Jace. I’ve barely had a chance to say hello! How have you been?”

She walked toward her ex with open arms, and Alex stabbed the corkscrew into the top of the bottle with more force than necessary as the two exchanged a long hug. That lingered.

Emma gestured for him to take a seat in one of the chairs, and she sat on the couch across from Jason, crossing her legs. Alex didn’t think he was imagining the way Jason’s gaze latched on to Emma’s slim calf.


He poured three glasses, and carried them all into the living room where he set Jason’s on the table in front of him before holding one out to Emma. Forcing her to take it—to touch his hand.

She was smart, though, and used two fingers to take the glass at the top, avoiding his touch altogether.

Emma probably had the right idea, avoiding their touch, but Alex was still simmering with the same angry restlessness that had been bugging him all day. So to punish her—to punish them both—he deliberately sat beside her on the couch. Just close enough that her arm had to brush his when she set her wine glass down to reach for her notebook.

She shifted away from him under the guise of crossing her legs to the other side, and Cassidy almost smiled as he took a sip of the wine.

Simper and smile all you want for Jason, honey. I bet he doesn’t make your body hum like this.

“So how does this work?” Jason asked, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents between Alex and Emma.

“Well, the first thing to know is that I absolutely will not at any point in the article, reference your name or any details that would lead back to you. Your own mother wouldn’t know I was talking about you.”

“A shame,” he said with a wink. “Mum always liked you.”

You’ve got to be kidding me, Alex thought.

But Emma apparently didn’t recognize the line for what it was, and merely laughed. “I always liked her, too. Give her my best, if you would. Okay, so I have just three basic questions—if you could answer as honestly as you can, without fear of hurting my feelings.”

“Okay,” Jason said, taking a sip of wine. “Let’s have it.”

“What was your gut reaction when you got an email from me, asking for this meeting?”

Emma didn’t look down at her notebook when she asked, and the question rolled off her tongue as though she’d asked it several times before. Which she probably had. For the first time, Alex questioned his own judgment on assigning her a story that would put her into contact with men she’d dated. Kissed. Slept with.

Maybe even loved.

“First reaction?” Jason said, scratching his cheek idly. “Terror.”

Emma laughed in surprise. “I’ll admit, that’s the first time I’ve gotten that particular response.”

“Well, probably because none of your other exes are currently engaged to a redhead,” Jason said with a wink. “My first thought that Gretchen would kill me for getting together with one of my exes


Alex took another sip of wine to hide his surprise. Jason was in a relationship. A serious relationship. And Emma didn’t look the least bit fazed.

“Congratulations,” she said, leaning across the table to squeeze his hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

Alex glanced at her profile. She did look happy, genuinely so, which filled him with . . . relief? Which was messed up. Why would he be relieved that Emma wasn’t torn up about a prior lover getting married to someone else?

“Thanks,” Jason said, grinning. “It happened kind of fast, but she and I actually dated back in high school, and then reconnected, and . . . it just worked.”

She smiled. “I’m glad. Okay, so even with that terror, though, you still came to see me?”

“I did. Ran it by Gretch, and turns out she’s a big fan of Stiletto. Was thrilled at the idea that I might be part of a story.”

Emma took a sip of her wine and wrote something down. “Okay, well then for Gretchen’s sake, keep in mind that I absolutely won’t mention your name in conjunction with this next question, so . . . what do you most remember about our time together? It can be a moment or a memory, or just a feeling.”

Alex tensed. He didn’t want to hear about Emma’s time with this man. Or any man.
