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She stared at him. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Your sister is coming to visit, and you’re having her picked up in a town car instead of meeting her yourself?”

He flinched. “I’m busy.”

“With what, world domination? Practicing your glare? Take an hour off, for God’s sake. I’ll clear your calendar.”

“I would, but it’s the Blackwells. Remember them? You had them eating out of your palm and now they’re coming back to discuss a potential deal. Today, of all days.”

“Don’t get pissy with me. If you’d let me manage your calendar like assistants are paid to do, you wouldn’t be in this pickle,” she said primly.

“I’m not in a pickle. Just get the damn town car, would you?”

“Is this sister your only sister?”

“Yes,” he said wearily.

“Your baby sister, right?”

“Yes, she and Jack are twins. I can sketch you a family tree later, but for now I just need you to get me the car.”

“Doesn’t Jack live around here? Why can’t he pick her up?”

“Because he has an exam today. She’s twenty-four, not in junior high. She can manage to get home from the airport wi

thout a big brother escorting her.”

Even as he said it, his gut gave a sharp twist of guilt. Of course Jenna would be fine in a town car, but he wished he could pick her up personally. Their relationship was cordial, but he’d never had the closeness with the twins that they had with each other. Something he’d been meaning to rectify for years, but could never quite find the time. Or the method. He just didn’t have the ability to easily converse in the way that came so naturally to Jack and Jenna.

Sophie got that assessing look that Gray now knew meant trouble. He wished for the hundredth time that the assistant assigned to him was someone uncomplicated and professional. Someone like Brynn.

Although if Brynn had been his assistant, he wouldn’t have been able to date her. Because CEOs did not date their assistants unless they wanted a lawsuit on their hands. Something he’d nearly forgotten the previous Friday night. It was amazing what months of celibacy could do to a man. He’d almost pulled a page from the How to Be a Sleaze handbook and made a play for his secretary.

Thinking about how close he’d come to kissing Sophie made him uneasy.

Neither of them had mentioned it, but if the sexual tension had been simmering before, it was nearing a boil.

He didn’t like it.

She opened her mouth again, and his strained temper exploded. “Whatever you’re thinking, just drop it,” he snapped. “All I need is for you to make a simple phone call and have them pick up Jenna Wyatt. Her cell phone number is in my contact database. Nothing weird. No limo, no flowers, no welcome committee.”

“You got it,” she said with suspicious calm. “I’ll order some sandwiches and have them delivered to the conference room. You should meet them in there instead of your office. They won’t be as intimidated if it doesn’t feel so much like your turf. You’ll get further with men like them if they don’t feel threatened. “

Gray just shook his head. Most of Sophie’s ideas on social manipulations were beyond him, but as long as she continued to help the business, he’d humor her. Plus, it would get him out of this atrocious orange chair. He hated the thing almost as much as he’d hated the uncomfortable rocking chair that Martin had left behind, but he wasn’t about to give Sophie the satisfaction of complaining. The woman was at her best when she goaded him into talking, snapping, or yelling.

It seemed to be in his best interest to keep the upper hand. And if keeping the upper hand meant sitting every day in a chair that looked like it was covered in Halloween spray paint, so be it.

A quick glance at her desk verified that she had in fact picked up her phone to call the town car. Relaxing slightly, Gray pulled up the Blackwell file on his computer. He’d spent all of the previous evening researching the proprieties, but no matter which way he looked at it, the buildings themselves just didn’t warrant the Blackwells’ asking price. In order to bring the buildings up to Brayburn standards, he’d either have to implement major renovations or tear the damn things down and start from scratch.

It wasn’t going to be a pleasant discussion. Gray could only hope that the son wouldn’t tag along this time. It was bad enough that he had to go toe to toe with the stubborn Peter Blackwell. Watching Alistair sniff after his assistant’s tight little ass like a randy dog would be more than he could handle.

His cell vibrated and he saw his brother’s name. “Jack. Aren’t you supposed to be taking a test right now?”

“Easy, big brother. It doesn’t start for another twenty minutes. Are you on your way to pick up the monster?”

“No, I had a conflict. I sent a car.”

He was met with silence on the other end.

“I had to, Jack; this deal is huge,” Gray said, hating that his tone sounded defensive. “I’m already struggling to keep this company above water as it is.”
