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I took my phone out, sending a quick email to Danielle. I resolved not to think about any of this today and just enjoy our time together. I wasn’t going to let Ryker worry about anything today either. Usually, something like this would have sent me spiraling out in a panic, but I felt oddly at ease, feeling it in my bones that we really could work out everything together.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Saturday in Manhattan was crazy busy, especially on a gorgeous day like this one. It was the beginning of May, which meant half the flowers in the parks were in full bloom. Everything was green anyway.

I felt like royalty from the moment I stepped inside Bergdorf Goodman. Everything from the way the merchandise was arranged in displays and on shelves to the faint jasmine smell in the air dripped with elegance and luxury.

We went directly to the children’s section. Avery and Ryker were in the lead, whispering. It felt like we were a little family, traipsing around and discussing the pros and cons of every toy.

Ryker kept taking out his phone from time to time, typing notes on it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Writing down potential investors for Skye and Tess.”

I’d resolved to not let him worry, but this was something else: he was finding solutions. I barely refrained from suggesting he take a seat in the coffee shop across the street and finish his list. He’d insisted that he did want this shopping trip... but he already had so much going on. An old worry resurfaced, wondering if this change in lifestyle was too much, but I pushed it away, choosing to focus on what was in front of me.

When Avery stopped to inspect a huge, turquoise Smurf figurine, I pulled Ryker to one side.

“How many items did you negotiate?” I asked him.

“What do you mean?”

“How many items is she allowed to choose?”

Ryker cocked a brow.

“Please say you’ve told her how many items she’s allowed.”

“That’s no fun. We’ll just play it by ear.”

“Have you ever been shopping with a seven-year-old before?”


I pressed my lips together, but still couldn’t hold back laughter.

“I’ve got this,” Ryker said confidently.

“Okay. You do your thing. I won’t interfere.”

I was curious to see his tricks. After all, he’d cut his teeth on Wall Street wolves. Fifteen minutes later, I realized Ryker’s trick was saying yes to everything. Clearly, his Wall Street rules didn’t apply to Avery. We already needed a cart to carry around our acquisitions.

I’d said I wouldn’t interfere... but he needed saving from himself. I was torn between saying something and just watching Ryker and Avery. They were having so much fun that I just couldn’t bring myself to interfere. Midway through the spree, I went to buy water. Upon my return, there were three more items in the buggy: a mini skateboard, a mug, and a candle. I wasn’t sure who was trying harder to pretend that the items weren’t there: Avery or Ryker. I decided not to call them out on it. Five minutes later, it turned out they thought they’d fooled me, because they attempted the same maneuver. I had gone to ask where we could find sheets, and upon my return, there was a tea set in the pile that most definitely hadn’t been there before. Yeah... definitely time to interfere.


that?” I asked, gesturing to the tea set.

Avery pointed an accusatory finger at Ryker. “It was his idea.”

Ryker laughed, crouching until he was level with Avery.

“Avery, a partnership works only if we don’t rat each other out.”

Avery shrugged. “Yes, but then Mommy would be mad at both of us. Now she will only be mad at you.”

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