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“That motherfucker.”

“Which one? The investor or Skye’s guy?”

“Both. Who are they?”

“I don’t know.”

“They screwed with our sisters. We need their names.”

“Cole. Central Park. Twenty minutes. Don’t bring up the topic at all. Just managed to stop Skye from beating herself up.”

Cole was my opposite in many ways... except when it came to impulsiveness. Growing up, we’d competed in who was the most hot-headed, as if we were trying to win a medal for it. Luckily, our sisters had tempered us down. They were successful... most of the time.

Unlike the Empire State Deck, Central Park was crawling with people. Despite the vastness of the place, the perimeter of the movie screening was claustrophobic. But a deal was a deal, and Skye already looked more cheerful.

After I bought us hot dogs from a vendor passing by, Cole texted that he and Tess had found an empty patch of grass.

“Oh, look, Tess is waving at us,” Skye said. We bought two more hotdogs and then did our best to reach our siblings without stepping on anyone.

“Jesus, I can’t understand why it’s so crowded. The movie’s been out for fifty years,” Cole said.

Our sisters glared at him as the four of us somehow crammed in on the blanket Tess had brought.

“Yes, but it’s still more amazing than 99 percent of the stuff they make nowadays. So, let’s set some rules,” Tess said. “We won’t talk shop tonight.”

“Or about romantic stuff,” Skye added.

“Deal,” Cole and I said at the same time.

“You’re in for brothers of the year, both of you,” Tess declared.

“You only have two brothers,” Cole teased.

“Yeah, if we’re going to compete, it’s going to be among each other,” I volleyed back. “Personally, I feel like I’m in the lead by a solid lap.”

Skye rolled her eyes, taking Cole’s arm. “He’s less bigheaded. I’m siding with him.”

Tess crossed her arms over her chest, looking between the three of us.

“Tess, I’m going to be real mad if you don’t side with me,” I warned. The corners of her mouth tilted up.

“Of course I’m going to side with you. It’s all about balance in this family.”

I cocked a brow at Cole. “See? We’re even.”

“Only because you begged,” Cole teased.

“I only laid out my arguments. That’s not begging. It’s common sense.”

“By the way, why did you even go by the store tonight?” Skye whispered as the beginning credits started to roll on the huge portable screen at the other end of the perimeter.

“Avery and Heather are coming by my place tomorrow. We’re going shopping so Avery can have some stuff at my apartment. Thought you could give me some tips.”

My sisters gasped. Cole choked on the last bite of hot dog.

“Why didn’t you say anything until now?” Tess asked.

Then we got shushed. “Keep your voices down. Some of us actually want to see the movie.”

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