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“Let’s go shower,” she whispered. “Before we go from sweaty to stinky.”

I pushed myself up on an elbow, liking the levity of her comment but still leveling a mock glare at her. “I was being romantic.”

“I know. And I love it. But... being clean is also romantic.” She grinned, shrugging one shoulder before darting out of the bed. “Come on. If you don’t catch me before I get to the bathroom, I’ll shower alone.”

I chased after her, catching up right before she went inside. Curling an arm around her waist, I brought my mouth to her ear. “I’m faster.”

“I was hoping for that.”

I fondled her ass with my free hand.

Heather giggled. “Hey, why did you do that?”

“It’s my reward.”


“Want to spend some time on my balcony?” Heather asked after we showered and dressed.

“You have one?”

She jerked her thumb in the direction of the window. “Oh, yeah. My own personal heaven. Avery’s not allowed out there.”

She led me outside, where she’d put a table and a huge armchair. She had potted plants hanging from the ceiling and strings of lights around the railing.

We spread one of the blankets we’d brought on the armchair. I sat down first, then pointed to my lap.

“Come here. I’ll keep you warm.”

“That’s what the blankets are for.”

“Skin on skin contact works better, and you can wrap the other one around us.”

She whistled, clapping her hands once. “And you called me creative.”

“Heather. Sit. Now.”

“Yes, sir.” She waggled her eyebrows before lowering herself on me. I put an arm around her waist, keeping her back flat against me. She threw the second cover over us, tucking it in at the sides.

We had a great view of the sky here. With all the lights in the city, you couldn’t see the stars, but I simply enjoyed sharing this quiet moment with her.

I’d been so on edge when I’d arrived, still running high on the adrenaline of the day. Usually, nothing helped me come down except performing at the Northern Lights.

But being here, just holding Heather, filled me with a sense of happiness I’d never known in my entire life.

“You’re quiet,” she whispered. “That’s very unlike you.”

“I’m just enjoying you.” I pushed her hair to the side, kissing the back of her neck.

“Let’s play a game.”

“I’m all ears.”

“A question for a question.”

“I like the sound of that.”

She squirmed in my lap. Groaning, I clasped her hips. “Heather, stop.”

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