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“Okay, let’s go see if there’s anything else left to do.”

When Skye and I returned to the main room, the group was chatting about the nicknames Josie gave us when we first met years ago.

“I’m quite proud of mine,” Tess said. They were all leaning on the counter, sipping from fresh coffee cups. Someone must have done a second run. I took one immediately.

“You deserve it. Hurricane through and through,” Josie said.

“What do you mean? That I don’t deserve being called the Charmer?” Cole asked, faking indignation.

Josie laughed. “Yes, you do.”

“You know, I’m the only one without an official nickname. I feel left out,” Skye said.

Josie narrowed her eyes, studying my sister. “I didn’t mean to. Skye just stuck in my brain, you know? And I couldn’t remember the boys’ names and was so shocked that Tess had convinced a bunch of you to go bungee jumping, hence the hurricane thing. I kind of thought of you as a wallflower.”

Skye’s jaw dropped. “Ouch.”

“Hey, I mean it in a good way.”


“You were shy and quiet. And now...”

“You’re not,” I finished for Josie. “How about ‘dragon’?”

Everyone turned to look at me.

Skye was smiling brilliantly. “I like that. I have no clue how you got to that, but I like it.”

“Anyone who’s ever seen you upset will agree with me.”

There was a general murmur of agreement around the counter.

I was still thinking about ways to help my sisters relax a little. They weren’t taking my concerns seriously, but I’d seen plenty of colleagues on Wall Street burn out after a few years. When you set up your own business, you don’t know how long the trudge will last until you “make it.” I just really couldn’t stand watching my sisters work themselves to the bone. “Skye, Tess, is the exhibition you wanted to see at the Guggenheim still on tonight?” I asked.

“Yes,” Tess said.

“Why don’t we all go?” I suggested.

Josie straightened up. “If you need someone to finish up here, I can do that.”

There was a reason why Josie was a killer lawyer. She knew my sisters might say that and didn’t want to give them a chance.

“We were planning on checking the inventory,” Tess said. “We’re the only ones who can do that.”

“But the Guggenheim expo is only until tomorrow,” Josie added. “Ryker’s right. We can all go.”

Cole grimaced. I glared at him until he got my drift. “Yeah, let’s all go. And have dinner afterward.”

Hunter looked at his wife in confusion. I knew his credo—and shared it: the second-worst activity after shopping was going to an art museum. But he nodded, lacing an arm around his wife’s shoulders.

“You do love us, brother,” Skye said.

“How is that news?”

She shook her head. “It’s not, just... it’s good to remember from time to time.”

She saw right through my tactic, but I considered it a victory anyway.

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