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Turning to me, Tess said, “Please, please, please take him away.”

“Okay, then,” I conceded. “Tess, this has been a wonderful evening. Thank you so much for everything. Is Skye still here? And Cole? I’d like to thank them too.”

“They’re here somewhere, but I can’t see them right now. I’ll give them your thanks. And you’re welcome.”

“Ten o’clock at the store tomorrow?” Ryker asked Tess.

She nodded. “Thanks. We have about a million boxes to sort out.”

“I can come and help too,” I offered.

Tess waved her hand. “No need. Between my siblings, and our cousin and his wife, we’re gonna be fine. Now, off you go before someone chats Ryker up.”

After she left, I tried to lift Avery in my arms, but she woke up. Her eyes widened, but it was clear she was still sleepy.

“Are we leaving, Mommy?”

“Yes, we are. Ryker is taking us home. Remember him?”

Avery nodded.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Avery,” Ryker said.

Her eyes widened. “You did?”

“Yes. That you’re a smart girl and like to collect coloring books.”

I felt as if my heart was about to explode again. He’d listened to all that?

“Yes. Winnie is my favorite. But I’m a big girl now. I can’t like Winnie anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Because big girls don’t watch cartoons.”

Ryker winked. “All the cool people like cartoons. I also like anime and superhero movies.”

Avery’s jaw dropped open. “You do? But you’re so old. You’re like Mommy.”

Ryker jerked his head back. I laughed, patting his shoulder. The contact zinged me. I withdrew my hand so quickly that it was awkward. I patted my hair to give myself something to do.

“Well, yeah. But even old people can enjoy animated comic movies. Tell you what...”

He looked between me and Avery. My stomach flipped. I leaned slightly forward, anticipation coursing through me. He was plotting something, I was certain of that.

“If you give me your permission, I’ll take your mom to a superhero movie that just came out.”

“Why?” Avery asked suspiciously.

“To show her that even old people can like them.”

Avery clapped her hands. “YES! Then maybe she’ll watch Winnie with me.”

Ryker laughed. Avery beamed widely. I loved putting that smile on my daughter’s face, but Ryker deserved all the credit for this. My heart wasn’t just increasing in size, it felt as if it was about to leap out of my chest. I’d spent two years with a man who hadn’t once put that smile on Avery’s face, and yet Ryker did so effortlessly. Did he know how charming that was to me? How much it meant to me?

It just came naturally for him. Bonding with those around him, making them feel at ease. After all, I’d felt at ease around him the moment I’d met him, and I’d been fighting with my ex.

“What do you say, Heather? Go to a movie with me? Now that we have permission and all?”

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