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There was a long corridor behind the curtain and then a staircase leading to the next level. I came face-to-face with a door. I opened it, stepping into what seemed to be yet another changing room, but larger. There was a leather couch, as well as a huge mirror with a counter on one wall. I set my bag on it, checking my phone to set the ringtone to loud, not just vibrate. The second I shoved the phone back in the bag, the door opened. My stomach tightened. Ryker stepped in, closing the door behind him, hovering in front of it for a few seconds before striding toward me. He stopped right behind me. Our gazes were locked in the mirror.

“That was an excellent speech,” I said.


“This whole evening is amazing.”

“I’m glad you’re having fun.”

“It’s all so surreal. The ballroom, the music, the whole vibe.”

“So I’m not contributing at all?”

“Maybe. Not sure yet. I’ll let you know at the end of the evening.”

His eyes flashed. “I’ll make sure the balance tilts in my favor, Heather.”

I smelled his cologne for the first time tonight—wood and citrus. Had he tilted closer? I didn’t think so, but it was as if now that I’d been close enough once, I could smell it no matter how faint it was.

“What are we doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted a few moments alone with you. Out there, there’s always a guest chatting me up.”

I felt his fingers against the bare skin on my upper back. I shuddered lightly, the contact zinging me. He snapped his gaze up the next second, locking it with mine in the mirror again. God, how he looked at me. He was still touching my upper back, trailing his fingers from one shoulder blade to the other. I shivered again, biting my lower lip.

“Want me to kiss you here?” he asked in a low, dangerous voice.

I nodded slowly, unable to reason or think. I just needed his mouth. Needed him. When his lips made contact with my skin, I gripped the counter for support. When I felt the tip of his tongue, my knees buckled.

He brought one hand to my right hip, possibly attempting to steady me. His touch had just the opposite effect. I was now so jittery that I could barely stand.

“Where else do you want me to kiss you, Heather?”

“Everywhere.” I couldn’t reason, couldn’t think past how much I wanted him—needed him. I’d thought for sure Ryker would whirl me around, kiss me. Instead, he brought his arm around my waist, stepping so close that I could feel his hard-on pressing again

st my ass cheek. His mouth explored my neck, and he was bunching the fabric of my dress, lifting it higher and higher... I moaned when his fingers brushed the bare skin of my thigh.

“Ryker, the door....”

“I locked it.”

Those three words unleashed an inferno inside me. I was so aroused I couldn’t even breathe. He’d locked the door... because he’d come here for this. For me.

“You’re so beautiful, Heather, so fucking perfect.” He brought his hand higher until he reached the rim of my panties... and then he rubbed two fingers right along the center, pressing the damp fabric against my sensitive skin. On reflex, I buckled forward, gripping the counter even tighter when I felt him rub his erection against me. Tiny needles speared me everywhere.

“Fuck, baby. You’re already wet.”

With every rub of his fingers, I came apart more. OhGod, OhGod. “Ryker. Ryker!”

Abruptly, he stopped touching me. I moaned in protest. He turned me around, capturing my mouth. I fisted his hair with both hands, demanding all he had, but Ryker kissed me slowly. So damn slowly.

I tugged at his shirt and managed to undo one button before he captured both wrists in one hand, smiling against my mouth.

“Why the rush?” he murmured.

“I want you.”

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