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“Ryker! We don’t cheat. I won’t rig the system, not even for you.”

What did I expect? Skye was a stickler for rules. To my knowledge, she’d never cheated in school or in college.

“What if I promise to make it up to you? Whatever you want.”

Skye cocked a brow. “Bribery doesn’t work with me.”

Well... that was debatable. She’s been known to soften if presented with the right bribe, but I knew better than to think I stood a chance. I might be overconfident and cocky on occasion, but I wasn’t delusional.

“Fine. But pull me out of the raffle.”

Up until recently, family members didn’t participate in it, but we’d changed that a few events ago, and I’d had a blast. Tonight, I wasn’t interested in anyone but Heather.

Cole just looked between us with a grin. “Well, I’ll be damned. Didn’t think I’d see the day when Ryker voluntarily gave up on the opportunity to dance. That means I win by default.”

We competed for who had the most raffle tickets.

“You don’t win if there isn’t a competition,” I pointed out with a grin.

“I’ll take you out of the raffle, but I won’t be meddling with Heather’s tickets.”

That meant one thing: I had to apply plan B. One way or another, Heather was all mine tonight.

Chapter Twelve


While Tess delivered the opening speech, everyone was focused on the stage, but I kept glancing around. Where was Ryker? The skin on my entire body tingled, anticipating the moment he’d walk up to me again.

Once Tess descended from the stage, the emcee walked up to the mic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the first dance of the evening has been raffled off. Gentlemen bought tickets for this one. We’re going to switch after five dances. Gentlemen, you can now approach your dance partners. Ladies, do check the raffle ticket. We’ve had cheaters in the past.”

Everyone laughed, and I even heard a few whispers of “it happened to me.” I briefly wondered if Ryker planned to cheat. Honestly, I’d be disappointed if he was.

I waited by the dance floor, as Tess said was tradition. This evening was so out of the norm for me that I was grasping for anything that sounded familiar.

My heart pulsed at a lightning-quick speed when I noticed Ryker. He was walking straight toward me, stopping only half a foot away.

“I believe I’m the lucky winner.” He handed me the ticket. When our fingers brushed, an electrifying heat jolted straight through me. He smiled, flashing his dimples. I glanced at the ticket. It simply said Ryker. My heart was beating wildly. My fingers shook a little.

“How exactly did you game the system?” I whispered.

“I bought every ticket for this dance.”


Those deep blue eyes pinned me with such an intensity that they lit up every cell in my body.

“I told you I’d get my dance, Heather.”

“I didn’t know you wanted it so badly.”

“Now you do.” He was half leaning into me, his warm breath landing on my cheek. His gaze dropped to my mouth. I licked my lips, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I became aware that everyone else was already in position to dance, so I followed suit.

Ryker expertly led the dance, only I wasn’t paying much attention to the music or our steps. I was too wired up, too consumed by our proximity.

“This is a great event. How did it all start?” I asked.

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