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“I’m good. You go do your thing.”

Some lamps turned out to be twenty-five spotlights. My arms felt as if they were about to fall off by the time I was done. The changing rooms were enormous. Some even had a black velvet chair inside. I could imagine myself sitting there while Heather tried on lingerie in front of me. I pressed the heels of my palms against my eyes. It didn’t help. If anything, the vision became more vibrant. I just couldn’t stop thinking about Heather, could I?

I headed straight to the front, where Tess and Skye stood behind the counter Cole and I had assembled two nights before. The girls were elbow-deep in boxes.

“Girls, do you have any printed invitations left for the March Gala?”

“Yeah, we always have a few spares,” Tess said without looking up.

“I need one. Actually, two.”

“Just tell us the names and I’ll send them tomorrow,” Skye murmured.

“They’re new guests. Just add plus two to my name.”

Skye looked up. “Okay. We still need the names though. For the seating chart.”

“They’ll sit with us.”

Skye’s jaw went slack. Tess looked up too, eyes wide.

“Wait a second... you’re inviting someone new... and they’ll sit with us. We do need to vet them first, though. It’s protocol,” Tess said.

“I’ve already vetted her.” Big mistake. I tried to correct myself. “Them. I’ve vetted them.”

My sisters’ expressions turned from shocked to smug in a fraction of a second.

Tess propped her chin in her palm, studying me before turning to Skye.

“So... what do you think? A couple?” she asked.

“No way. He looks like his tongue is stuck to the roof of his mouth.”

“A lady friend who’s coming with another friend?”

Jesus, they weren’t going to give this a rest.

“A lady friend. And she’s bringing her daughter,” I said finally. My sisters turned their attention to me at once.

/> “We’re going to need more info,” Tess said slowly. I shook my head.

Skye straightened up. “Ryker... we have a no-secrets policy in our family.” To be honest, usually I stood by the no-secrets policy. It had been in place ever since Dad left. We had zero dollars for therapy, but Tess decided that we all needed to talk among ourselves at least. For now though, I wasn’t sharing anything.

“Besides, we’re going to meet them anyway,” Tess pointed out. “But I’m putting two and two together. One... you’re keeping secrets. Two, you asked for invitations, which means you want to impress said lady friend. Am I right?””

“Yes. Give me the invitations, please.”

“I’m on it, I’m on it,” Skye said. “I have some in the back.” She disappeared through the door to the back room. “Aha, you’re lucky,” she exclaimed a few seconds later, running toward me with two golden envelopes. “These are the only two I have here.” She was clutching them to her chest. “I can write the names for you. I have the most calligraphic writing out of all of us.”

“Nice try, Skye.”

She handed the envelopes over with a pout.

Tess narrowed her eyes. “I can’t believe you made us feel guilty for suspecting you have a hidden agenda.”

Ah, I was surprised she’d waited so long to play that card.

“Want to have dinner together?” Skye asked.

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