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“When did you get so good at this?” Tess asked me.

“I learned the art of charming from a certain someone.” I nudged Ryker’s arm with mine playfully. “You should have seen him winning my mom over. I mean... I didn’t actually see it happen, only the end result. Very impressive.” Feeling feisty, I turned to Cole. “Careful, or Ryker might steal away your thunder as the Charmer.”

“Charming is a basic skill. Flirting is the extra,” Ryker said in such a serious tone, you’d think he was explaining a scientific discovery.

Cole smirked. “Keep telling yourself that, bro. If it makes you feel better.”

I felt compelled to take Ryker’s side.

“Well, I didn’t think Mom could be charmed that fast, so he’s definitely a pro.”

Cole groaned. “I see this ally thing won’t work when it comes to Ryker.”

Before I had a chance to answer, Ryker said, “Of course not.” Then he brought a hand to my neck, possibly intending to push my hair to one side, but he touched a ticklish spot. I covered my mouth with one hand, but my half laugh, half shriek still echoed in the living room. Everyone burst out laughing. Just then, Dylan, Ian, and Isabelle arrived, placing the small boxes they’d brought by the entrance door.

“By the way, have the raffle tickets been counted?” Ian asked. “Just saying, but I think I raked in the most.”

Dylan smirked. “No, you didn’t.”

“What would your lovely girlfriend say about your evening?” Ian asked.

Dylan’s girlfriend hadn’t been able to attend.

“I was dancing, not flirting. She’s proud that I was by far the most popular.”

Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Stop being so full of yourselves. Cole was by far more popular.”

Cole looked very pleased that Isabelle was taking his side. As did Ryker, happy that someone was giving Cole a run for his money.

“Even if you did rake in the most tickets, it’s beginner’s luck,” Cole said. Ah, someone loved to have the last word. H

owever, I loved that they brought up last night. Tess and I exchanged a glance.

Yeah, I was on a double mission today. I’d teamed up with Tess this time. Our goal? Check if Skye was out of the funk she’d been in since her breakup.

“Skye, I’m surprised you’re not tired from dancing,” I said.

“Nah, I had a great partner.”

“Yeah, he did seem to know what he was doing,” Tess said. “You seemed to be having fun with him.”

“He asked for my number, but I politely declined,” she said.

Well, crap. So she was still in a funk. Tess and I had to up our game and cheer her up.

We chatted for a few more minutes, but then Tess and Skye had to leave for the store or they’d be late. They promised to make a list of tasks they could delegate as soon as possible.

Hunter, Josie, and her siblings left with Tess and Skye. Cole stayed for a while longer, helping us move some boxes we’d left askew at the front door.

“Thank God, Skye was on our side on the store issue,” I said afterward, as Cole was preparing to leave. He winked, throwing his jacket over one shoulder. Ryker opened the door for him.

“I might have softened her up a bit before,” Cole said.

“Oh, wow,” I exclaimed.

“What did I tell you about getting others on your team before making the actual move?” Ryker asked.

Ohhh... now I understood what he’d meant. Seemed I still had a lot to learn in the fine art of conspiring.

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