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As soon as I ended the call, I texted Ryker to tell him the good news.

Ryker: Sounds like we have a lot to celebrate tonight.

My fingertips tingled as I typed back. Something was telling me that my man had a plan... and it went beyond just finalizing the gala preparations.

Heather: I’m all yours.

/> Ryker: Music to my ears.

A huge weight had lifted off my shoulders, because this meant I could finally persuade my landlord not to evict me.

I got to work right away, rewriting sections of the article, not even bothering to take a shower until I realized it was four o’clock. Holy shit! Ryker was going to arrive any second now. We were going to the ballroom together.

I showered quickly, putting on the clothes I’d traveled in yesterday.

I heard the front door open just as I finished my makeup.

“I’m ready, I’m ready!” I exclaimed, running to the foyer.

“I’m a little late, so you’d better be ready.”

I checked the time on the wall clock. “Holy shit, you’re a lot late.”

“Had an errand to run,” he said vaguely. “I see you’re in a great mood.”

“Well, yes I am. I’m super happy with the way the article is coming along. Danielle also said I’m getting my bonus earlier as well.” And since things had settled for him at the office and I was handling things with my landlord, I decided to share that with him too. “I was a little stressed out when they’d told me they weren’t going to publish the piece, because I knew I’d be evicted without that additional money. But now I can send him confirmation of my income so that should put his mind at ease. Anyway, I’m sure it’ll all work out.”

Ryker looked at me with a confused and dark expression.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” He actually sounded a bit hurt that I didn’t share it with him, and it made me feel a little uneasy. I should have told him before now, it was silly of me really, but I hadn’t wanted to burden him with everything else he had going on.

“Well, I thought you had enough to deal with already, and anyway, now it’s all cleared up.”

If I thought this was going to appease him, damn was I wrong. If anything, his expression turned even darker. He stalked toward me until he was right in front of me, nearly pressing me into the shelves.

“Heather, we need to talk.”


“I don’t want you to do this. Doesn’t matter if I have a deadline, shit hits the fan in the family, or anything else. You still tell me, okay? We’re in this together. I want to be there for you to help you whenever I can.”


“You and Avery are... you’re family. But I can’t be there for you if I don’t know what’s happening.”

I nodded, because he made perfect sense, of course.

“Move in with me. Cancel the lease.”


I swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. I’d clung so much to the idea of providing a stable home to my girl in our apartment, that I hadn’t even dared to dream about what it would be like living with Ryker as a family.

“Trust me, Heather. To make you and Avery happy. Make this a home with me.”

My heart swelled; I swear I could feel it expanding in my chest. I couldn’t find any words at all, let alone the right ones, so I simply nodded.

Ryker’s smile widened even more. I calmed down just from feeling the warmth of his body, the possessive way he touched my face. I felt centered again. He was my center.

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