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“The thing is, with the court stuff going on, my security clearance is gone. You know I need that for my job, Jordan. I don’t mean you any harm. I’m just asking you to drop the charges so I can move on with my life.”

I tilt my head to the side, watching him with clear eyes. I respond in a low voice, so all of Cunningham Falls doesn’t hear.

“No. I won’t be dropping anything, Jeremy. You manipulated and controlled me for a long time, and I put up with it. That’s on me. But then you decided to put your hands on me. And I won’t stand for that. Maybe some inconvenience with the court, and your job, will teach you a needed lesson about bullying people.”

Jeremy’s nostrils flare, and his lips flatten.

His hands fist.

But I don’t back down. This is an old scare tactic.

“You don’t scare me,” I add when it appears that he’s waiting for me to change my mind.

“You’re such a cold, ugly, skinny bitch,” he spits out before he steps forward, determined to get in my face.

But Nick is fast and moves between us.

“Before you make another move, you might want to see what kind of audience you have,” Nick says in warning.

Jeremy looks over his shoulder to find Brad Hull, the chief of police, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, watching.

“Problem?” Brad asks.

“We’re just talking,” Jeremy says.

Brad steps forward and gets within inches of Jeremy’s face. “I know all about you, Jeremy, remember? I also know there’s currently a restraining order against you, and you’re violating that. So, unless you want to land your ass in jail and add to those problems you’re already having with your job, I’m going to suggest you leave Jordan alone.”

“Fucking bitch,” Jeremy sputters as he storms off.

“If he so much as sends you a text message,” Brad says as he turns to me, “I want to know about it. I think I’ll pay him a visit tomorrow and strongly suggest he go back to Arizona. Have a nice evening.”

Brad leaves us, and the crowd that stopped to listen disperses.

Nick’s a tight ball of energy.

“I’m fine,” I say and turn to him. “Hey, look at me.”

His eyes meet mine.

“I’m fine,” I say again. “And I handled it.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t still want to beat him bloody,” Nick says, but he sighs and takes my hand. “And, yes, you handled yourself beautifully. I’m proud of you for not backing down.”

“I don’t like bullies,” I say with a shrug and do my best to brush it off and enjoy the rest of the evening. “Now, I need some kettle corn and maybe some cotton candy.”

“I hate to mention this, for fear of losing my manhood, but didn’t you say you’ve outgrown your pants because of sweets?”

“You heard me,” I reply with a smile. “I’m buying new pants. Let’s get some extra corn to take home.”

Chapter 8


It’s been a fucking cold week since the night of the stroll. Winter seemed to settle over Cunningham Falls and close a tight, frigid fist around us.

I’ve been in the cold before, but twenty degrees below zero is just bloody ridiculous.

Thankfully, I’ve spent the cold days inside with Jordan. We’ve settled into a routine, and that surprises me almost as much as the fact that I’m quickly learning that the prospect of being without her makes my gut ache.

We have sex in the morning. And not just any sex. No, the best damn sex of my life. I only had to come all the way to Cunningham Falls, Montana, to find it. We share breakfast, and then I don’t see her for a few hours as she and I work out separately. She bakes, and I watch from my perch at the island. Sometimes, she twists my arm, and I help, but I prefer to watch her sure, small hands as they knead dough or scoop cookie batter out of a bowl and onto a pan. She’s told me stories about her family, about people here in town, and what it was like to grow up here. I’ve learned that she loves her job and can’t wait to finally find a full-time position here.

She’s bloody fascinating. She’s been through some shite in her short life, and yet she’s as happy and optimistic as they come. I don’t get tired of her company. I certainly haven’t had enough sex with her. I can’t keep my bleeding hands off the woman.

Not that she seems to mind. In fact, she initiates as often as I do. I haven’t found any areas that make us incompatible.

This is new. Women don’t usually hold my interest for this long. In fact, call me a knob, but I can’t remember the last time I wanted to spend this much time in the company of a woman I wasn’t working for.
