Page 78 of Fat Cat Liar

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“Thank you. Do you think you could coral up the team? I’d love to have them there, too. I’ve arranged a little surprise.”

“Send me the details and I’ll let them know.”

“You know, you could invite your boyfriend, too.”

“Nope, not a chance. Hopefully, you’ll get to meet him before the event, but if not, I’m not introducing him to you when you are being honored, fawned over, and given the high majesty treatment. I’d prefer something low key and casual. I told you he’s a bit old fashioned and wanted to call and introduce himself. Once you meet, he’ll be invited to the next swanky event.”

“If it were your mom, I would have insisted on being there. Besides, didn’t you say he’s in construction? This could be a good business dinner for him.”

“He’s in residential remodeling and construction, hardly the same as this.”

“Your call.”

A ding sounds in my ear with a reminder. “Dad, I have to run. We have trivia in an hour. I’ll tell the crew tonight about next Thursday.”

“Good luck.”

“Love you,” I tell him, hanging up and rushing to my room, shedding my work clothes on the way.

I pick my favorite pair of jeans and lay them on the bed, then go to the bathroom to freshen my make-up. When I walk back out, I scream and stumble back into my wall, covering my heart with my hand.

Lawson is standing in the middle of my room, his feet planted firm, arms crossed over his chest, and an angry scowl on his face.

“You scared me to death!” I yell, trying to calm my hammering heart.

His eyes roam over my body, and his stare heats as he prowls to me, bending to throw me over his shoulder and walking us back to my bed. I land with a woof when he tosses me down and then covers my body with his own.

“I knocked, and when you didn’t answer, I tried the door handle. What have I told you about locking your door?” He cups the back of my neck to keep me from turning my head.

“I knew you were coming over so I didn’t lock it.”

“Always lock your door. Security in this building may be tight, but you can’t take any chances.”

“Security in this building is excellent, and like I said, I was expecting you.”

“So give me a key and start lo

cking the damn door.”

My throat goes dry at the statement, my heart speeding up again. “You want a key?”

“If it means you will take your safety more seriously, then yes.”

“Isn’t a key kind of a big deal?”

He leans in and brushes his lips over mine a few times. When he lifts up, his eyes are glimmering with the specks of gold that make my insides melt.

“Baby, we passed ‘big deal’ status Monday afternoon when we ditched the condoms without even a discussion.”

“But you know I’m on birth control.”

“And you know how I feel about using condoms. For three days, we’ve had more sex than ever before, each time me coming inside you with nothing but a little white pill to protect us. Not once have I thought about the consequences because this thing between us is as serious as a man can be about a woman. There is no one and nothing in this world that is going to change that. Exchanging keys is a piece of cake.”

The racing of my heart comes to a complete stop, and I suck in a deep breath. “Are you saying—” I can barely speak, the words escaping me. I’m almost too scared to say them out loud.

“I think you know what I’m saying. You and me? We’re it. My commitment to you is endless. When I told you Monday that I was going to take care of you, I meant forever.”

“I really like the sound of that.” I blow out the breath I was holding.

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