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He was my everything. I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without him.

“I talked to your dad today,” he said casually, as if that were no big deal.

I tried to act like that didn’t bother me. “What’d he have to say?”

“Just asked about Allie again. He wants to meet his granddaughter.”

“I’m not ready.” I drifted toward the kitchen.

“He says he’s sorry.” Matteo followed after me while Allie played with a few pillows and stuffed bears on the rug in front of the TV. “I’m not sure I believe him, but the girl should meet her grandfather at least once, right?”

“I don’t know.” I crossed my arms over my chest. I’d barely been involved with the Healy family ever since Colm was killed. There was a power struggle for a little while, with two factions fighting over control, but eventually Don Valentino stepped in and mediated everything. Since then, the Healy family had been run by a council of old guys, one of which included my father, and they were allied closely with the Valentino family. Matteo spent a lot of time with them, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“Look, he’s an asshole. That’s obvious. And I’m not saying you need to forgive him. Frankly, he doesn’t deserve it.” He walked over and put his hands on my hips. “I just know how hard it’s been for you, being away from your family, and I think you’d be happier if you at least made peace with your dad.”

I leaned against his chest. “Maybe you’re right.”

“You want to see Nessa more often, right? You want to go spend more time at Healy places and do all their family shit?”

“I’d love that.” I squeezed my eyes shut. I’d been keeping away from the Healy side of the family because of my father, because I wasn’t totally ready to forgive him for everything, and the idea of running into him made my blood boil.

But Matteo was right. I didn’t have to forgive him, but I could at least make peace. That way, I wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable spending more time around the family again.

I missed it, I really did. I loved the sense of community and belonging I felt from that group of people, and although I liked the Valentinos and got along with all the other wives, they still weren’t my family.

“Then let’s talk to him,” Matteo said. “Set some ground rules. Make it clear that you’re in charge, and if he doesn’t like that, he can fuck himself.”

“I doubt he’ll make a fuss with you around.”

“I want to make sure he won’t make a fuss when it’s only you, too.”

I nodded and kissed him. “All right, I’ll do it. God, I want to go home, you know?”

“I know.” He grinned and hugged me tight. “Now let’s go check on Allie before she rips the house to pieces.”

I laughed and kissed him one more time, and watched as he went out and scooped his baby girl up into his arms. My life wasn’t what I expected it would be when everything began, but I couldn’t be prouder of where it ended up. He was my light, my life, and Allie was my entire reason for breathing. Without them, I’d be empty.

And now I felt like everything was finally coming together.

Matteo looked back at me, and the love in his eyes was overwhelming.

“How about I make dinner,” I said. “What’s everyone want?”

“Mac and cheese,” Matteo said. “With hot dogs cut up.”

“So you’re eating Allie’s meals now too, huh?”

“Like father, like daughter.”

I laughed and went into the kitchen, a stupid smile on my face.

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