Page 4 of Spark

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“He’s fine.” It’s probably good Andrea doesn’t want children. At least that’s what she says now. She has helicopter mom written all over her. She keeps clicking away until she sees he went last week. I could have told her but she still would have looked herself. Andrea doesn’t half-ass anything. She likes things in place so she’ll sometimes double- and triple-check things.

Bear lays his head down, going back to ignoring us all.

“You need a hobby.”

I stand and stretch my legs. “I really do,” I agree, walking over toward the windows to look out, scanning the skyline. I need to get out of the city for a while. I am in a funk and I don’t know how to break it. This restless feeling isn’t going away. I feel like I am looking for something but can’t pinpoint what it is. I have no clue even where I should begin looking for whatever it is. I feel as though there is a void inside of me lately and a small trip might do me some good.

“Maybe you’re having a midlife crisis?” Andrea suggests. She doesn’t say it in a mocking manner but out of concern for my well-being. She knows me better than anyone else so if she’s bringing this up then I need to take it seriously.

“Aren’t I supposed to be married with a few kids in order to have one of those?” I’m in my early thirties. I’m not having any kind of crisis. I am a bored rich man. That is the reality of it. It is actually somewhat pathetic now that I’m thinking about it.

“Gross.” I look back to my sister, whose face is scrunched in disgust. “Maybe you should work on getting some of those. You know Mom and Dad want grandbabies now that they are retired.” Her face, which was twisted up a moment ago, brightens with a fake smile. She’s trying to sell me on the idea so they won’t go poking her for grandbabies. I know exactly what she’s up to.

“They are off enjoying retirement,” I remind her. They are traveling the world. The last I heard from Mom she was on some yacht in the middle of the Mediterranean. Our mom and dad have always been hopelessly in love. Andrea and I might get our drive from them but we haven’t been big on the whole relationship thing. I think we’ve been too busy but now I don’t really have an excuse. To be honest, a relationship sounds messy.

I’ve watched my lawyer friend Bennie burn through women lately. It is always one drama after another when it comes to women and him. He is great at being a lawyer but horrible at being a husband. I think it’s turned me off from getting serious with someone. Having watched them show up at his office in screaming fits was plenty of excitement for a lifetime. I don’t understand why he keeps getting married. I think he’s on his fourth wife. He’s always telling me to never do it but then he goes and does it again himself. I can’t make heads or tails of it.

I look back out of the window to the city below. The feeling of missing something nags at me. I know that I’ll eventually figure this out.

“Come on, Bear.” He jumps to his feet to come to my side. “We got shit to do,” I tell him. Andrea rolls her eyes. Neither of them believe me. “We can at least pop into the office and pretend we work,” I tell Bear. Andrea gives a small laugh. I walk over to her, kissing her on the cheek.

“Text you later,” I tell her before heading out. I do have shit to do. I just don’t know what the fuck it is.



My arms ache as I keep the sign I’m holding up over my head. People walk by, giving me strange looks. Haven’t they seen anyone protesting before? A few locals smile at me as they pass. I blow a piece of hair out of my face. I didn’t think about the heat. It’s so freaking hot out here I’m going to melt away. It’s a good thing that I didn’t apply makeup this morning. Even the glue is beginning to soften and the words are becoming a mess on my sign. I don’t let that bother me and I continue pacing back and forth in front of the enemy’s headquarters. I’m on the front line of this caffeine war.

“Iced coffee or snack?” I turn to look at Millie, who is leaning against the side of her building watching me. She still has her apron on from work. They are about to close for the day. She’s holding my favorite cake pop and I bet she even put it aside for me. They always sell out fast. She knew that I would be out here unprepared.

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