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Aiden moved a fraction of an inch and Cristo popped around him. Though his hands trembled his eyes were filled with tears and wonder. "I don't wish to frighten you," he reached down for her.

Slowly she took his hand and he bent over to smell it again. When he straightened there was pure joy in his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Gods! Yes!" He dropped her hand and began to dance around.

"Cristo, what in the hell?" Stefan demanded.

Cristo looked to Stefan. "Tell father he is in charge of the pack for a bit. If you want to find out why she smells familiar you have to come with me."

Stefan nodded. "Okay. Where are we going?"

Cristo ignored him and looked around the room. "Is Law Ashleigh here? I caught a faint whiff of his scent."

Law stepped out of the crowd that had formed around them. "I'm here you damn bloodhound. What are you doing to Meryn?"

Cristo walked over and placed both hands on Law's shoulders. "Law Ashleigh I need you to invoke your emergency password and get Thane to Eiré Danu."

Law's eyes bugged out. "Look, I can't go into it right now, but we have a ton of stuff going on right now."

Cristo's tightened his fingers. "Tell. Him. Drop everything and go to Eiré Danu." He stared into Law's eyes. "Trust me, he will want to be there."

Meryn held up her hands forming a 'T'. "Timeout! What in the hell is going on?"

Cristo knelt down in front of Meryn and took both her hands in his. "I want to tell you but I can't. I swore an oath that I would not speak of what I know outside the protection of Eiré Danu. Will you please come with me to the Land of Eternal Sun?"

Meryn searched his face. Like his father and his brother he embodied a sense of truth and loyalty. She let her empathy out and what she saw made up her mind.

"You're a shield for those behind you," she said.

He blinked back tears. "I try to be, sometimes I fail."

"After our party. Give me a few days to tie up some things here, then I will go to Eiré Danu." She shrugged. "The queen wants to meet me anyway."

Cristo stood. "Perfect! I'm going on ahead to get something out of storage. Gods! I hope I can find it." He kissed her forehead and grabbed Stefan by the arm. "Let's go find father and tell him he's Alpha again for a while."

"I didn't get any food!" Stefan complained as they walked out the door.

Aiden stared down at Meryn. "What!"

She smiled up at him brightly. "Guess what baby? We're going to Eiré Danu!"
