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“How far along are you?” Langston asks.

I jump. I didn’t realize he had followed me into the bathroom.

“Um…” I try to stall as I get up off the floor and walk to the sink to rinse the acidy taste out of my mouth. The fewer people that know about the baby, the better. I shouldn’t have even told Liesel, but I just needed to tell someone. And if Langston knows, how am I going to keep it a secret from Enzo?

Langston hands me a mint.

I take it and plop it into my mouth, the cooling flavor settling my stomach even more.

He cocks his head to the side and crosses his arms, waiting for me to answer.

“A few weeks. How did you know I’m pregnant?” I ask.

“I have an older sister who lived with me when she was pregnant while she and her husband were remodeling their house. I know the symptoms.”

I’m surprised to hear Langston has a life outside of fighting alongside Enzo. It doesn’t seem like it’s possible.

“Does Enzo know?” he asks.

I slowly shake my head no.

“Why not?”

That’s a loaded question with about a million answers. But there is one simple answer that encompasses all those reasons.

“Because I’m scared.”

Langston’s face drops as his arms go around me, and he pulls me hard into his bare chest. His heart thuds against my ear far too fast. He’s scared too.

“I went from being desperate to have a child, to being terrified. How messed up is that?”

Langston’s eyes grow wide as he lifts my chin so he can see my eyes better. “That would be normal for most women, but for you, a woman who is locked in a world filled with danger, it’s expected.”

He rubs my back gently as he begins to think about what this means.

“Is the baby…” he can’t finish that sentence, but I know what he’s asking.

“I don’t know if the baby is Enzo’s or Milo’s, but it doesn’t really matter.”

He frowns. “Why doesn’t it matter? I would think you would be thrilled if it were Enzo’s.”

I swallow hard. I should be thrilled. A few days ago, I was desperately in love with Enzo and would have done anything to be with him. Now, I don’t know how I feel. Milo turned all my feelings for Enzo upside down. All I know is I don’t love him. I know what it’s like to love Enzo and these feelings aren’t it.

“I don’t love Enzo anymore.”

Langston nods. “But I’m sure you’d still rather it be Enzo’s than…”

Again he can’t finish. “Than my rapist? Of course, I’d rather it be Enzo’s, but…” God, now I’m the one who can’t finish my sentences. “But my child is in danger no matter whose child it is. Either way, my child becomes an heir to the most dangerous organization in the world. This child will inherit untold riches, and have more money than they could ever spend. But they will also have enemies set on killing them from the day they are born. Others will try to use them as a pawn to gain their own power in the Black organization. I just want my child to be safe.”

Langston runs his hand through his hair, and I swear I see moisture in his eyes. He knows this won’t end well for me and my child, no matter what I do.

“So what are you going to do? If Archard finds out you are carrying a child, that child will become your heir. They won’t have a choice but to fight in the games when the time comes.”

I think of Liesel. She had a child, possibly Enzo’s child. And she hid it. She had to give up the child, but he’s safe because she protected him. I can do the same thing.

“I will hide my child, from everyone. No one will know I have an heir. I will hide them forever, even from Enzo.”

“Are you sure you can do that? I know you don’t love Enzo now, but you two share a lot of history. Are you going to be able to keep this from him? I’ve only spent a few nights with you and I figured it out. Enzo knows you better than anyone. Don’t you think he’ll be able to figure it out?” Langston strokes my cheeks as he speaks, rubbing the moisture off my face.

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