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She was definitely mine.

She crawled out of her bed, giving me a great view of her ass, then pulled her dress on for the second time.

I got out of bed and pulled on my jeans and shirt.

She put the second phone into her clutch. “Is your number in here?”


“Don’t call me past five. That’s when he’s usually home.”

“Where does he go all day?”

She shrugged. “Work. To his other home with his whores. I really don’t know, nor do I care.”

The man had this woman for a wife, but he still paid whores? That didn’t make sense.

“How about texting?”

“Texting is safe. I won’t have that phone on me when I’m around him. Problem solved.”

This went from a random hookup to a secret affair. Now we were keeping in contact and sneaking around. I had nothing to be scared of, so it was only thrilling for me. That asshole had forced her into servitude so she could save her boyfriend…what kind of asshole did that?

I guess that was something I might do.

But that was beside the point.

I lived for knife fights, adrenaline, and sex. I got off on outsmarting an opponent. I got off on killing men who crossed me. And I got off on sneaking around behind this asshole’s back…because I wanted him to find out. Even if he was a client or an adversary, I didn’t care. Forcing her into marriage because of her piece-of-shit boyfriend was too harsh a sentence. Keeping her as a plaything for a few months would have been a lot more reasonable. But a life sentence? Over the top, jackass.

She slipped on her heels. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

“Not at all.”

She used the bathroom in my bedroom then came back with perfectly styled hair and clean makeup. She’d touched up everything to make it seem like she’d been out at a restaurant with friends, not rolling around in the sheets with a tyrant.

I wanted to go for another round just to make her look thoroughly fucked again.

“You don’t need to walk me every time.”

“I know I don’t. But a woman like you shouldn’t walk alone dressed like that.”

“Dressed like what, exactly?” she asked, her feistiness returning. She stepped inside the elevator and gave me a cold look, just as she did the last time I’d made a comment about her attire.

“You could wear a burlap sack and still be gorgeous. But in a dress that’s so fucking tight it leaves little to the imagination, you’re a target. There’re lots of beautiful women in this city, but they don’t hold a candle to you, baby. If a jackass drives by, you’ll be his next victim. But with me on your arm, those bastards will be too chicken-shit to even glance. That’s exactly what I mean.” The doors opened, and we left the compound, reaching the sidewalk near the road.

She walked beside me but didn’t link her arm through mine or hold my hand. She kept her distance and hid her affection, as if someone might see us together and report us to her husband.

Like being seen with me in the middle of the night wasn’t incriminating enough.

Or maybe she just wasn’t the affectionate type.

I certainly wasn’t.

After a few blocks, we arrived at her Bugatti. It was jet-black with a new coat of wax, and her staff obviously kept the car in perfect condition when it was at the house.

She pulled her keys out of her clutch before she pressed her curves against me. “I’ll be thinking about you every night until I see you again.” Her hand moved up my chest as she stared at my lips, like she wanted to push me up against the wall and kiss me so fucking hard. Her fingers pressed into my cotton shirt and dug into the hardness underneath the fabric. Her eyes lifted to mine again, her eyelashes shifting with the movement.

I pictured this beautiful woman alone in her bedroom, her fingers trying to recreate the pleasure I gave her in my bed. My cock hardened in my jeans because I wanted to be there with her, to push her into climax after climax. Clinginess was a turn off for me, but every word out of this woman’s mouth turned me on. She told me I was sexy, told me I was her best lover, told me that she pictured me when her husband was between her legs. With anyone else, that would have been our final conversation. But with her…I only wanted more. “Park in the compound next time. If you keep parking on the street, someone is bound to notice. Not too many Bugattis around here.”

“Will do.” She dropped her hand from my chest and turned to the car.

I snatched her wrist and yanked her back into me. With my lips almost touching hers, I said, “You think I’m going to let you leave without a kiss goodbye?”

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