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“You know who this is?”

“I recognize your voice—sexy as hell.”

Just listening to him talk turned me on. He wasn’t afraid to say what he wanted, to be brutally honest without shame, and he breathed slightly into the phone with a masculine undertone. Testosterone wasn’t a physical or audible thing, but somehow, I could feel it over the line. “I’m at the bar right now.”

“Can I buy you a drink?”

I smiled as I stared at his business card in front of me. “Actually, I was hoping I could buy you a drink.”

Minutes later, Balto walked in.

Dressed in a deep blue t-shirt with black jeans that hung low on his hips, he looked even tastier than the night we first met. He crossed the bar with a perfectly straight back, broad shoulders, and a height that towered over anyone else who was standing. His arctic eyes were set on me, as if everyone else in the room was insignificant.

I was on the exact same stool as last time, so he lowered himself into the seat beside me, keeping his hands to himself, unlike the last time we were together. My martini sat in front of me, and he didn’t waste time ordering his scotch.

He faced me with his elbow resting on the bar, his eyes taking in the fit of my dress. Lucian thought I was gaining weight, which he didn’t appreciate, but Balto didn’t seem to notice any imperfections. “Did you get more beautiful since the last time I saw you?”

“I’m wearing different lipstick.”

If I said the right thing, the corner of his mouth would rise in a soft smile, giving him a slightly boyish charm even though he was all man. “Yeah…that must be it.” He took his glass then brought it to his lips for a drink.

I watched his throat shift as he downed the liquid, his Adam’s apple striking because of his overwhelming masculinity. He licked his lips when he finished, then returned it to the surface, the glass making a clink so small, I wasn’t sure if I’d really heard it. All of his movements were precise and deliberate.

His shirt covered his chest and torso, but I imagined he was all muscle, skin, and strength. If his thick arms stretched the sleeves of his shirt that way, I imagined how muscular the rest of his body must have been. He was probably perfect from head to toe, sexier than any man I ever saw when looking at porn. Being married to Lucian forced me to turn to other means to fulfill my sexual desires, and porn was my number one resource. If he caught me, I wouldn’t even be embarrassed about it.

But masturbation wasn’t cutting it anymore.

I wanted to be on this man’s dick within the hour.

I ignored my drink and focused on his looks instead. The shadow of facial hair was gone as if he’d shaved right before he met me. I liked the look because I could see the outline of his jaw so well. I wanted to run the backs of my fingers across his skin until I reached his full lips.

He had brown hair that was much lighter than my jet-black locks, but the beautiful brown color complemented his features so well. There wasn’t a single thing I would change about him, not even the arrogant remarks that exploded out of his mouth.

“Did you think about me this week?” He swirled his glass slightly as he stared into my eyes.



“Yes.” I would never see this man again, so I didn’t play it cool. This was my night to enjoy myself, to live a little and forget about the biggest mistake I’d ever made. I didn’t feel guilty for my infidelity, not when I was forced into his marriage in the first place. And I definitely didn’t feel guilty because Lucian had been sleeping around since the beginning. I was practically livestock to him, just a show animal. He didn’t actually give a damn about me. I was a size two, and he had the audacity to tell me I was gaining weight.

“Did you think about me when you were with him?”

I knew he was asking about the nights when my husband fucked me. “Yes.”

His eyes darkened slightly as he lifted the glass to his lips to take a drink. He let the liquid slide down his throat before he licked his lips. “Did you come?”

“That was the only reason why I came.” Sex with Lucian was an obligation. I got no pleasure out of it, and lube was usually involved. He knew I didn’t find him the least bit attractive, but that didn’t stop him from fucking me.

His eyes darkened another shade.

“Did you think about me when you were with someone?”

“What makes you think I was with anyone?”

“Look at you,” I said bluntly. “You must get pussy handed to you.”

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