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“Oh, this old thing?” she joked. Laura had gone through literally all the dresses she’d packed: three. Thank goodness she’d thrown this one into her luggage. She almost hadn’t brought any, figuring an emotional sabbatical on a faraway island wouldn’t afford many fancy eating opportunities. Her mother, however, had always been a stickler for being prepared. Always pack a dress and a swimsuit, was her motto. Laura was glad she’d followed her mother’s advice, which was almost so ingrained she didn’t even think about it.

He opened his arms for a hug, but she went in for a kiss. He tasted like mint and aftershave, and before she knew it, she’d wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, pressing her body against his. He deepened the kiss, taking it to another level and all rational thought drained from her mind.

Eventually, he broke free, panting a little. “Should we stay in and order pizza?”

“Maybe,” she agreed, thinking that despite all the work she’d done to get ready, she wouldn’t mind slipping out of her dress right now if that meant feeling his bare skin against hers once more.

“No,” he said, shaking his head and detangling himself from her embrace. “I promised you a nice dinner, and I don’t renege on my promises. Besides, we can save this—” He dipped down to kiss the back of her hand “—for dessert.”

“Ooh, I love dessert.”

Mark barked a laugh. “Oh, I know you do.” He grinned. “Shall we?” he asked her, offering his elbow. She slipped her arm through his.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said. “Where are we going?”

“To the only ‘nice’ restaurant in town. They even have linen napkins.”

Laura laughed a little. She remembered how small Smuggler’s Cove was, and the main street was mostly lined with souvenir shops.

It was a quick drive to the only “nice” restaurant in Smuggler’s Cove.

“Sorry we don’t have more options,” he said as he held the restaurant door open for her and she slipped through. “But they have the most amazing conch chowder here. You have to try it.”

The hostess seated them in a candlelit corner of the restaurant, which was already mostly full of dressed-up tourists and a few locals. Mark ordered a bottle of house wine from the waiter. After their glasses were filled, Laura offered a toast.

“To my hero, the man who saved me from going overboard,” she announced, raising her glass. Mark laughed a little and clinked his glass with hers. She never broke eye contact as she took a sip of the sophisticated red wine.

“Thanks for catching me,” she added. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to go for a swim.”

“Didn’t think you did.” Mark grinned, showing even, white teeth. God, he had an amazing smile.

“You should smile more often,” she said before she had time to think. “It suits you.”

“I don’t smile very much?”

Laura snorted a laugh. “No. Not much at all. When I first met you, I thought you were the grumpiest man on earth.”

“That’s because you were telling me I was being too loud and it was too early when it was practically noon.”

She chuckled as she shrugged, studying the wine in her glass. “Fair point. Still. You should smile more. You are really…” She was about to say handsome.

“I’m really what?” Now he looked a little suspicious. The sun above them hid behind a puffy white cloud. He put his sunglasses up on his head, and now she could see his intelligent dark eyes watching her every move.

“You just look…” Like you ought to be starring in rom-coms when you smile. The roguish middle-aged bachelor, hard to tame but worth the time.

“Like what?” He leaned forward.

“Sexy. Damn sexy.”

Mark’s eyes widened in surprise, and then he threw back his head and laughed.

The waiter came then. Laura ordered salmon, Mark ordered snapper and both had a cup of conch chowder to start.

“Now, where we were? Let’s get back to the part where you were telling me I’m a sex god.”

“Sex god?” Even though he was that, she might not be willing to admit that to his face.

“I’ve never heard a woman so thoroughly enjoy herself.”

Laura felt her cheeks turn bright pink. “Was I that loud?”

“Louder,” he said and grinned. “Good thing I own the first floor.”

Laura slapped her palm against her forehead. “Ugh. Sorry. I’ve been told I can get…loud.” It had been Dean’s biggest pet peeve, even when they’d managed a tryst in a hotel room. He was always terrified of getting caught, even when they were supposed to be in private.

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